![]() © Don Troiani | Source Institution Profiles© 1999 -- 2002, 2005, 2006 - John K. Robertson and Bob McDonald | ![]() © Don Troiani |
- American Antiquarian Society
- 185 Salisbury Street, Worcester, MA 01609-1634. The manuscript library has two collections relevant to the American Revolution: The United States Revolution Collection, 1754-1928, and the Orderly Books Collection, 1758-1813. The AAS has one of the largest collections of orderly books, many of which are available on microfilm. Reference numbers cited are from a catalog obtained from the Society. The Society can be reached online.
- American Philosophical Society
- Independence Mall East, 104 South Fifth Street, Philadlphia, PA. The first learned society in the United States. The Library's collection supports research in the history of science, medicine and technology. The Library has information available online
- Boston Athenaeum
- 10-1/2 Beacon Street, Boston, MA. An independent library founded in 1807. Information is available online.
- Boston Public Library
- l700 Boylston Street, Copley Square, Boston, MA 02117. Information is available online.
- J.C. Brown Library
- The John Carter Brown Library, Box 1894, Providence, RI 02912, is an independently administered and funded center for advanced research in history and the humanities, located at Brown University since 1901. The John Carter Brown Library can be reached online .
- Aaron Burr Papers
- The Papers of Aaron Burr are commercially available via microfilm. The Papers consist of correspondence, the records of Burr's public career, business records, orderly books, journals and legal case files. They document transactions of Burr's law practice following his arrest for treason as well as his political and military careers. A description of the microfilm collection is available from: UMI. The original papers are at the New-York Historical Society.
- Cayuga Museum of History and Art
- 203 Genesee Street, Auburn, NY 13021. Primarily a museum, but does have some orderly books. Further information is available online.
- Charleston Library Society
- The Charleston Library Society, 164 King Street, Charleston, SC 29401 . Some information is available online.
- Clark University Library
- 950 Main Street, Worcester, MA 01610. Information on the library and it's collections is available online.
- Clements Library
- The William L. Clements Library, 909 South University Avenue, The University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1190. Located on the central campus of the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, the William L. Clements Library houses original resources for the study of American history and culture from the sixteenth through the twentieth centuries, including remarkably important Revolutionary War collections. The Clements Library is available online.
- Concord Free Public Library
- 129 Main Street, Concord, MA 01742 . Additional information is available online.
- Connecticut HS
- The Connecticut Historical Society, 1 Elizabeth Street at Asylum Avenue, Hartford, CT 06105. A non-profit museum, library, and education center, The Connecticut Historical Society collects, preserves and interprets the history of the diverse peoplepast and presentwho have made Connecticut their home. Their "American Revolution Collection" conveniently presents their holdings of orderly books, journals, and papers via seven reels of microfilm. A fine selection can be found published in Collections of the Connecticut Historical Society, VII, 1899. The Society has an excellent website.
- Connecticut State Library
- The Connecticut State Library, 231 Capitol Avenue, Hartford, CT 06106. The principal library for all branches of the state government. It provides information, reference service, and research resources to state employees and to the general public. It maintains major collections in law, public administration and policy, and Connecticut-related history and genealogy. Online Information.
- Cornell University Library
- The Division of Rare and Manuscript Collections, 2B Carl A. Kroch Library, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY 14853. An extensive collection of maps and other items relating to the Revolutionary War. More informatiuon is available online.
- Danvers HS
- The manuscript collections of the Danvers Historical Society are on deposit in the Danvers Archival Center, Peabody Institute Library, 15 Sylvan Street, Danvers, MA 01923. Additional information is available online.
- David Library
- The David Library of the American Revolution, P.O. Box 748, 1201 River Road, Washington Crossing, PA 18977. If one needed to select only one library in which to study the American Revolution, The David Library would be it. Although their manuscript collection is relatively small their microfilm library of the holdings of other institutions is unsurpassed. This concentration of materials makes it extraordinary. Online information.
- Duke University Library
- Rare Book, Manuscript, and Special Collections Library, 103 Perkins Library, Duke University, Durham, NC 27708-0185. Information on the collection, online finding aids, etc. is available online.
- Feinstone Collection
- The Sol Feinstone Collection belongs to The David Library of the American Revolution. The Feinstone Collection is available on microfilm. The manuscripts are stored at The American Philosophical Society, Philadelphia for archival integrity assurance and protection.
- Filson Club
- The Filson Club Historical Society, 1310 South Third Street - Louisville, KY 40208, collects, preserves, and publishes historical material, especially that pertaining to Kentucky. The Filson Club maintains online information.
- Wm. Fogg Library
- The William Fogg Library, PO Box 359, Eliot ME 03903. Additional information is available online.
- Fordham University Library
- O'Hare Special Collections and Archives, The Walsh Library at Rose Hill Campus, 441 East Fordham Road, Bronx, NY 10458. General information about the library is available online.
- Fort Ticonderoga Museum
- Thompson-Pell Research Center, Fort Ticonderoga, Fort Road, Box 390 Ticonderoga, NY 12883. Information on the use of their collections is available online. There is also information on the history and restoration of the fort. An excellent resource center for any student of the Revolution.
- Georgetown University
- The Division of Special Collections at the Lauinger Library, Georgetown University, 37th and N Streets, N.W., Washington, D.C. Contact information is available online.
- Georgia Historical Society
- The Georgia Historical Society's library and archives, a major research center for Georgia history, houses one of the most outstanding collections of manuscripts, books, maps, photographs, architectural drawings, portraits, and artifacts related to the history of Georgia. Georgia Historical Society, 501 Whitaker Street, Savannah, GA 31401. (912) 651-2125. Library (912) 651-2128. Fax (912) 651-2831. Further information is available online.
- Herkimer County HS
- The Herkimer County Historical Society is located at 400 North Main Street, Herkimer, NY 13350. More information online.
- HS Delaware
- The Historical Society of Delaware, 505 Market Street, Wilmington, DE 19801. A repository for private Delaware collections. Online information.
- HS Pennsylvania
- The Historical Society of Pennsylvania, 1300 Locust Street, Philadelphia, PA 19107-5699. The Society has many manuscript orderly books, representing the middle states' involvement in the war, most of which are yet to be microfilmed. Online information.
- Houghton Library, Harvard University
- The Houghton Library, Cambridge, MA 02138, is the principal rare book and manuscript library of Harvard University. The Houghton Library is located within Harvard Yard which is within Harvard Square in Cambridge. Once inside the Yard, the Houghton Library is east of and next to Widener Library. Information is available online.
- Huguenot Historical Society
- The Huguenot Historical Society Library and Archives is located at 88 Huguenot Street, New Paltz, NY 12561. Additional information is available online.
- Huntington Library
- The Huntington Library, 1151 Oxford Road, San Marino, CA 91108. The Huntington Library has a rich collection of rare books and manuscripts principally in the fields of British and American history and literature. Its collection of manuscript orderly books is excellent, many being available on microfilm. Online information.
- Litchfield HS
- The Litchfield Historical Society, East and South Streets, Litchfield, CT. Limited online information.
- Library of Congress
- The Library of Congress, Manuscript Division, Room LM101, James Madison Building, 101 Independence Ave., S.E., Washington, D.C. 20540-4680. The Division's holdings, more than fifty million items in eleven thousand separate collections, include some of the greatest manuscript treasures of American history and culture and support scholarly research in many aspects of political, cultural, and scientific history. There is an extensive manuscript orderly book collection, the majority of which is available on microfilm. Numbers in the tables refer to identification codes listed in Manuscript Sources in the Library of Congress for Research on the American Revolution. Extensive information is available online.
- Maryland HS
- The Maryland Historical Society, 201 West Monument Street, Baltimore, MD 21201-4674. Online information.
- The Massachusetts Archives
- The Massachusetts Archives, 220 Morrissey Boulevard, Boston, MA 02125, holds the official records created by the Massachusetts state government. Holdings are organized by agency and date from 1629 to the present. Additional information is available online. .
- Massachusetts HS
- The Massachusetts Historical Society, 1154 Boylston Street, Boston, MA 02215-3695. Online information
- Mass HS - 1
- Guide to the Microfilm Edition of the Revolutionary War Orderly Books at the Massachusetts Historical Society, Massachusetts Historical Society, Boston: 1992. Microfilm available from UMI, being a complete copy of their entire orderly book collection.
- Mass HS - 2
- Massachusetts Historical Society, The William Heath Papers, Boston: 1974. Microfilm copy of Heath's papers, diaries, and orderly books. Microfilm available from UMI.
- Mass HS - 3
- Massachusetts Historical Society, The Horatio Gates Papers, Boston. Microfilm copy of Gates' papers and orderly books. Microfilm available from UMI.
- Massachusetts State Library
- State Library of Massachusetts. The State Library is located in the Massachusetts State House at 24 Beacon Street in the heart of Boston. The Library serves the research needs of the executive and legislative branches of government and other users, and is the official repository for Massachusetts state documents. Online information.
- Mattatuck Historical Society
- The Mattatuck Historical Society is located in Waterbury, CT. The Society operates the Mattatuck Museum which is located on the Green in Waterbury (144 West Main Street, Waterbury, CT 06702). The library is housed in the museum building and is open only by appointment. More informtaion is available online.
- U.S. Army Military History Institute
- 22 Ashburn Drive, Carlisle Barracks, Carlisle, PA 17013-5008. The Army's primary research facility for the study of the U.S. Army. Information on the library and its collection is available online.
- Morristown NHP Library
- Morristown National Historic Park Library, Washington Place, Morristown, NJ 07960. The library houses an extensive collection of Revolutionary War documents which are available on microfilm available from UMI. Information on the Park and Library are available online.
- National Archives
- The National Archives has two locations in the Washington, DC area and many regional branch locations around the U.S. Those wanting to view original manuscript documents need to be sure of which archives building houses the collection they are interested in, and need determine if the collection has been filmed. Once filmed, the curators discourage access to the original manuscripts. The two Washington, DC locations are: The National Archives Building, National Archives and Records Administration, 700 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, Washington, DC 20408 and National Archives at College Park, 8601 Adelphi Road, College Park, MD 20740-6001 . Fortunately, the orderly books have been filmed in their entirety and should be available at any of the regional branches as well as at the microfilm reading room on 7th Street, and at many good research libraries. These films are also available for rental from NARA. NARA Website.
- National Society Daughters of the American Revolution
- One of the major projects undertaken by the National Society Daughters of the American Revolution at the time of the commemoration of its fiftieth anniversary celebration in 1940-1941 was the creation of a collection of early American manuscripts and imprints. The Americana Collection is comprised of manuscript and imprint materials, primarily (but not exclusively) pertaining to life in Colonial America, the Revolutionary War era, and the Early Republic. The contents of this collection are available for public inspection and for research. The Americana Collection is housed in the Americana Room, a division of the Office of the Historian General, situated on the second floor of the NSDAR Administration Building located at 1776 D Street, NW, Washington, DC 20006-5303. (202) 879-3256. Limited information is avaialble online.
- New England Historic Genealogical Society, 101 Newbury Street, Boston, MA 02116-3007. NEHGS is an unparalleled resource for genealogists, historians, and students of family history. Online information.
- New Hampshire HS
- New Hampshire Historical Society, 30 Park Street, Concord, NH. The manuscript collection includes not only the papers of well-known political, religious, and community leaders, but also diaries, account books, orderly books, and business records representing craftsmen, farmers, shopkeepers, businessmen, and housewives. Online information.
- New Haven Colony HS
- The Whitney Library, New Haven Colony Historical Society, 114 Whitney Avenue, New Haven, CT 06510. Some online information.
- New Jersey HS
- New Jersey Historical Society, 230 Broadway, Newark, NJ 07104-3926. Numbers refer to citations in Guide to the Manuscript Collections of the New Jersey Historical Society. More information is available online.
- New Jersey State Archives
- 185 West State Street - Level 2, P.O. Box 307, New Jersey State Library Building, Trenton, NJ 08625-0307. The official repository for all New Jersey colonial and state government records of enduring historical value. More information is available online.
- Newport HS
- The Newport Historical Society, 82 Touro Street, Newport, RI 02840. Information is available online.
- New-York HS
- The New-York Historical Society is located at 170 Central Park West, New York, NY 10024. The facility contains a library and museum. Most of the orderly books we've found reference to have been microfilmed: Early American Orderly Books, 1748-1817, Reel Guide and Subject Index to The Microfilm Collection, Woodbridge, CT: Research Publications, 1977. The EAOB series contains the Society's superb "world class" collection of orderly books from the French and Indian War through the War of 1812. Numbers following the pound sign are the item number and reel number. We have found some citations to other orderly books, which are not on film, but have yet to verify their existence or content. General information on the Society, its collections and programs is available online.
- NY Public Library
- New York Public Library, Rare Books and Manuscripts Division, 5th Avenue and 42nd Street New York, NY 10018-2788. Some of the orderly books, those with a ZZ number, are available on microfilm. General information is available online
- NY State Library
- New York State Library, Manuscripts and Special Collections, Cultural Education Center, Empire State Plaza, Albany, NY 12230. Online information.
- North Carolina Dept of Archives & History
- Mailing address: State Archives of North Carolina, Archival Services Branch, 4614 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, N.C. 27699-4614. Physical Address: 109 East Jones Street, Raleigh, NC 27601. More information is available online.
- Peabody Essex Museum
- Phillips Library, Peabody Essex Museum, East India Square, Salem, MA 01970, combining the holdings of the former Peabody Museum of Salem and the former Essex Institute. Online Information.
- Pennsylvania State Archives
- State Archives of Pennsylvania, P.O. Box 1026 [Third & Forster Streets], Harrisburg, PA 17108-1026. Online information.
- Pocumtuck Valley Memorial Association Library
- The jointly administered Pocumtuck Valley Memorial Association Library and the Henry N. Flynt Library of Historic Deerfield, Inc. are located at 6 Memorial Street in Deerfield, Massachusetts. The libraries are open to the public, subject to regulations regarding access to and use of materials. Additional information is available: Online information.
- Rhode Island HS
- The Rhode Island Historical Society, 121 Hope Street, Providence, RI 02906. The Society has several manuscript orderly books. Some information online.
- Rutgers University
- Special Collections / University Archives, Archibald S. Alexander Library, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, 169 College Avenue, New Brunswick, NJ 08901-1163. More information available online.
- Society of the Cincinnati
- Society of the Cincinnati, Anderson House, 2118 Massachusetts Ave. NW, Washington DC 20008.The house serves as the Society's headquarters, library and museum. The Library is open to the public by appointment [contact Ellen McCallister Clark, Public Services Librarian, (202) 785-2040, ext 426]; contains books and documents relating to the war, the art of war in the 18th century and the history of the Society. Limited info is available online
- Sons of the Revolution in the State of New York
- Fraunces Tavern, 54 Pearl Street, New York, NY 10004-2429. Limited information is available on online.
- South Carolina HS
- 100 Meeting Street, Charleston, SC 29401. More information online.
- U.S. Naval Academy
- The Special Collections and Archives Division, Nimitz Library, U.S. Naval Academy, Annapolis, MD. Nimitz Library is primarily for the use of USNA midshipmen, faculty and staff. Other residents of the Annapolis community and authorized researchers may make use of the Library's resources under specific circumstances. More information is available online
- University of Georgia
- Hargrett Rare Book and Manuscript Library, University of Georgia Libraries, Athens, GA 30602-1641. More information available online.
- University of North Carolina - Chapel Hill
- North Carolina Collection, CB#3930, Wilson Library, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, N.C. 27514-8890. More information available online.
- University of Virginia
- Special Collections Department, Alderman Memorial Library, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA 22903-2498. More information is available online.
- Valley Forge Historical Society Museum
- Located on private grounds within Valley Forge National Historic Park. Their mailing address is VFHS, Box 122, Valley Forge, PA 19481-0122. Very limited information is available online.
- Library of Virginia
- 800 East Broad Street, Richmond, VA. Two departments may have materials of interest: Manuscripts and Archives and Special Collections.
- Virginia HS
- Virginia Historical Society, The Center for Virginia History, 428 North Boulevard, Richmond, VA 23220. Online information.
- Washington's Headquarters
- Washington's Headquarters State Historic Site, 84 Liberty Street, P.O. Box 1783, Newburgh, NY 12551. Some online information.
- West Point
- United States Military Academy Library, Special Collections Division, West Point, NY 10996. The West Point Library has several manuscript orderly books, as well as microfilm holdings covering units stationed in the region of West Point. Orderly books are kept in the vault, and transcriptions exist in the Works Progress Administration(WPA) and Sheffield collections. The microfilm collection has many orderly books from other institutions' collections. More information.
- Wisconsin HS
- State Historical Society of Wisconsin, 816 State Street, Madison, WI 53706. The SHSW is both a state agency and a private membership organization. The Society serves as the archives of the State of Wisconsin; it is charged with collecting, advancing, and disseminating knowledge of Wisconsin and of the trans-Allegheny West. Online information.
- Luzerne County Historical Society formerly known as Wyoming Historical & Geological Society
- The Society's Library is housed in the Bishop Memorial Library, 49 South Franklin Street, Wilkes-Barre, PA 18701 . Additional information is available online.
- Yale University
- Manuscripts and Archives, Sterling Memorial Library, 120 High Street and 128 Wall Street, New Haven CT. The Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library also has some relevant materials.
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