![]() | Published Orderly Books Bibliography | ![]() |
© 1999 -- 2002 - John K. Robertson and Bob McDonald
The following bibliography specifies all Continental Army orderly books which the site compilers have found to have been published. These are presented in standard bibliographic format, alphabetically arranged based on title or editor name, the prefix numbers being footnote links from the “state” pages. In addition, each published book citation is followed by a cross referencing to the M&R number assigned within this Index and the unit identification for the book, the latter frequently not being evident from the published title. As is evident from the following citations, the large majority of these orderly books were published many years ago, a significant proportion dating from the period of the centennial observation of the American Revolution. In addition, a significant majority of the books were published within historical journals and “magazines” of the period which are now no longer being published. Thus, interested students will find that acquiring copies of many of these books would seem to present something of a challenge. Without doubt, the most expedient manner in which to access such copies, however, is through use of the interlibrary loan system. In many cases, an application made at the reader’s local library, accompanied by a very minimal filing fee, will yield a photocopy of the desired “article” from a university or other institutional holding library. Only rarely are these copies literally a “loan", the copies typically being made for the applicant’s permanent possession. In addition, copying fees and time charges are typically waived. Therefore, while many of the listed books appeared in now arcane publications, copies can be obtained with surprising ease and very minimal expense. It should be expected, however, that the interlibrary loan system will not be able to provide copies of all the listed books, and that more extensive searching will be required in some cases. This is particularly the case with books that appeared in especially minor or rare journals. In addition, a small minority of these orderly books appear within quite lengthy published book format, such as the classic series of Tallmadge books of the 4th and 2d New York Regiments (see Lauber, Almon W., ed.) In such cases, these “hard-bound” published volumes can be themselves obtained through interlibrary loan for short-term usage and can be personally photocopied. |
- 71
- Andrew Finck, major in the revolutionary wars. An address by John B. Koetteritz, delivered before the Herkimer County historical society, June 6, 1907. Little Falls, NY: Press of Stebbins & Burney, 1906. Appendix A. Orderly book of Captain A. Finck of the First N.Y. Regiment at Valley Forge and on the Hudson, 1778.
Cross Ref: NY-10-01 and NY-10-02 - - 1st New York Regiment [1777-1783].
- 66
- Brock, R.A., ed. "Orderly Book of the Company of Captain George Stubblefield, Fifth Virginia Regiment, from March 3, 1776, to July 10, 1776, Inclusive." Virginia Historical Society Collections, New Ser. 6 (1887), pp. 141-191.
Cross Ref: VA-05-01 - - 5th Virginia Regiment [1776-1779].
- 25
- Chipman, John. "Fort Edward, in 1779 and 1780. Orderly-Book of the Captain-Commanding." Historical Magazine, 2d Ser., 2 (December 1867), pp. 373-378.
Cross Ref: HH-25-06 and HH-25-07 - - The Garrison at Fort George.
- 21
- Clark, Walter. "Jacob Turner's Book." The State Records of North Carolina, 12, pp. 453-548. reprinted by AMS Press 1968, from the 1896 edition.
Cross Ref: NC-03-02 and NC-01-02 - - 3d North Carolina Regiment, 1st North Carolina Regiment.
- 99
- "Colo: John Frost's Orderly Book (1776 - 1779)." Old Eliot, Vol IV, pp. 26-39, 77-84, and 118-126.
Cross Ref: MA-36-40 - - COL John Frost's Regiment, Massachusetts Militia.
- 29
- DeCosta, B.F. Notes on the history of Fort George during the colonial and revolutionary periods, with contemporaneous documents and an appendix. New York: J. Sabin & Sons, 1871. Contains the orderly book of James McGee, at Fort George, July and August 1776.
Cross Ref: HH-25-01 - - The Garrison at Fort George.
- 12
- Dickens, Charles W., ed. "Orderly Book of Caleb Prew Bennett at the Battle of Yorktown, 1781." Delaware History, 4 (September 1950), pp. 105-148.
Cross Ref: DE-01-02 - - Delaware Regiment [1777-1780].
- 53
- "Elisha Williams' Diary of 1776." Pennsylvania Magazine of History and Biography, 48 (1924), pp. 334-353; 49 (1925), pp. 44-60. [This is an orderly book, despite the title.]
Cross Ref: BG-75-01 - - COL Sargent's Brigade.
- 108
- Emery, Samuel H. History of Taunton, Massachusetts from Its Settlement to the Present Time. Syracuse, NY: 1893.
Cross Ref: U-F-22 - - Unidentified Massachusetts Militia Regiment.
- 98
- "Extracts from an Orderly Book, supposed to be Capt. Chester's." Massachusetts Historical Society Proceedings, Vol. XIV, p. 87.
Cross Ref: CT-02A-02 - - 2d Connecticut Regiment [1775].
- 70
- "Extracts from the original Order Book of Colonel David Waterbury, of Stamford, Connecticut." Magazine of American History, 12 (December 1884), pp. 555-557; 15 (December 1885), pp. 410-411.
Cross Ref: CT-05-05 - - BG Waterbury's Regiment, Connecticut Militia.
- 69
- Fitzpatrick, John C., ed. The Writings of George Washington from the Original Manuscript Sources, 1745-1799. Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1931-1940 [While not an orderly book per se, this 39-volume collection does include Washington's general orders from 4 Jul 1775 until the fall of 1783. These orders should be compared with those received in the field, as the Adjutant General in many cases added material]. You can search these online; see our link page for the George Washington Papers at the Library of Congress' American Memory page.
Cross Ref: HH-02-01 - - GEN Washington's Headquarters.
- 19
- Folsom, Albert A., ed. Orderly Book Kept by Jeremiah Fogg, Adjutant Second New Hampshire Regiment Siege of Boston. Exeter, NH: Exeter News-Letter, 1903.
Cross Ref: NH-02A-01 - - 2d New Hampshire Regiment [1775].
- 26
- Ford, Worthington Chauncey, ed. General orders issued by Major-General William Heath when in command of the Eastern department, 23 May, 1777-3 October 1777 : With some fragmentary orders of Major-General Putnam and Lt. Col. Wm. S. Smith. Brooklyn, N.Y.: Historical Printing Club, 1890.
Cross Ref: HH-12-01 - - The Eastern Department.
- 27
- ________, ed. General orders issued by Major-General Israel Putnam, when in command of the Highlands, the summer and fall of 1777. Brooklyn, NY: 1893. Reprint, Boston: Gregg Press, 1972, with a new introd. and pref. by George Athan Billias. Ford makes use of a McDougall's Brigade orderly book from 1 June 1777 (the date he presumes Putnam arrived in the Highlands and took command) through 18 Jul 1777 and after that date he uses a 2d Connecticut orderly book as his source.
Cross Ref: CT-13A-01, & BG-23-04 - - BG McDougall's Brigade.
- 104
- Fowler, Samuel P., ed. Essex Historical Institute Collections, December 1862, pp. 241-249 and February 1863, pp. 1-9.
Cross Ref: LI-00-06 - - Light Infantry Company, Massachusetts Line.
- 32
- "General Washington's Order Book in the American Revolution." Journal of American History, 2 (1908), pp.183-190, 349-356, 515-520, 648-652; 3 (1909), pp. 53-58, 275-280, 581-583.
Cross Ref: BG-90-02 - - BG Fellow's Brigade, Massachusetts Militia.
- 102
- Goold, William. Portland in the Past : With Historical Notes of Old Falmouth, Portland, ME: B. Thurston & Co., 1886, pp. 356-371, 372-?.
Cross Ref: MA-37-07 - - COL Jonathan Mitchell's Regiment, Massachusetts Militia.
- 107
- Green, S.A. Revolutionary Papers of Harvard.
Cross Ref: U-F-31 - - Unidentified Unit.
- 34
- Griffin, Appleton P.C., ed. Orderly book of General George Washington, commander in chief of the American armies; kept at Valley Forge, 18 May - 11 June, 1778. Boston: Lamson, Wolffe & Co, 1898. Reprint, New York: New York Times, 1971.
Cross Ref: AR-10-06 - - Brigade of Artillery.
- 59
- Hammond, Isaac W., ed. Diary and Orderly Book of Sergeant Jonathan Burton of Wilton, N.H., while in service in the army on Winter Hill: Dec. 10, 1775-Jan. 26, 1776 and of the same soldier as Lieutenant Jonathan Burton, while in Canada expedition at Mount Independence, Aug. 1, 1776-Nov. 29, 1776. Concord, NH: Republican Press Assoc., 1885.
Cross Ref: NH-03A-02 & NH-03B-01 - - 3d New Hampshire Regiment [1775], 2d Continental Regiment [1776].
- 39
- ________, ed. "Orderly Book of Adjutant Silvanus Reed." New Hampshire Historical Society Collections, 9 (1889), pp. 364-414.
Cross Ref: NH-06-02 - - COL Peabody's Regiment, New Hampshire Militia.
- 40
- ________, ed. "Orderly Book of Captain Daniel Livermore's Company Continental Army, 1780." New Hampshire Historical Society Collections, 9 (1889), pp. 200-244.
Cross Ref: NH-03C-03 - - 3d New Hampshire Regiment [1777-1780].
- 23
- Harden, William, ed. "Order Book of Samuel Elbert, Colonel and Brigadier General in the Continental Army, Oct 1776 to November 1778." Collections of the Georgia Historical Society, v. 5, pt. 2 (1902), pp. 5-191.
Cross Ref: GA-02-01 - - 2d Georgia Regiment [1776-1780] and BG-78-01, Georgia Brigade [1777-1778].
- 56
- "Jedediah Swan's Orderly Book." Proceedings of the New Jersey Historical Society, New Ser., 2 (January, April, July 1917), pp. 35-53, 118-123, 170-187; 3 (January 1918), pp. 26-44.
Cross Ref: NJ-06-02 - - COL Van Cortlandt's New Jersey State Regiment.
- 35
- Jordan, John W., ed. "Orderly Book of the Second Pennsylvania Continental Line. Col. Henry Bicker at Valley Forge, March 29,--May 27, 1778." Pennsylvania Magazine of History and Biography, 35 (1911), pp. 333-342, 463-496; 36 (1912), pp. 30-59, 236-253, 329-345. Reprint, Philadelphia, PA: J.B. Lippincott Company, 1913.
Cross Ref: PA-02B-01 - - 2d Pennsylvania Regiment [1777-1780].
- 49
- ________, ed. "Orderly-Book of the Pennsylvania State Regiment of Foot, May 10 to August 16, 1777." Pennsylvania Magazine of History and Biography, 22 (1898), pp. 57-70, 196-210, 301-320, 475-478.
Cross Ref: PA-10B-01 - - Pennsylvania State Regiment of Foot [1777].
- 80
- Kellogg, Louise Phelps. Frontier Advance on the Upper Ohio, 1778-1779. Madison, WI: Publications of the State Historical Society of Wisconsin, Collections, Vol. XXIII, Draper Series, Vol. IV, 1916, pp. 423-465.
Cross Ref: PA-08B-01 - - 8th Pennsylvania Regiment [1777-1781].
- 81
- ________. Frontier Retreat on the Upper Ohio, 1779-1781. Madison, WI: Publications of the State Historical Society of Wisconsin, Collections, Vol. XXIV, Draper Series, Vol. V, 1917, pp. 431-458.
Cross Ref: PA-08B-02 - - 8th Pennsylvania Regiment [1777-1781].
- 88
- Lauber, Almon W., ed. Orderly Books of the Fourth New York Regiment, 1778-1780; The Second New York Regiment, 1780-1783 by Samuel Tallmadge and Others With Diaries of Samuel Tallmadge, 1780-1782 and John Barr, 1779-1782. Albany, NY: University of the State of New York, 1932.
Cross Ref: NY-11-07, -08, -10, -11 & NY-13-02, -05, -06, -07, -08, -09, -11, -12, -13 - - 4th New York Regiment [1777-1780] and 2d New York Regiment [1777-1783].
- 103
- Maine Historical Society Collections, Documentary History of Maine, 2d Ser., Vol. 16, pp. 389-474.
Cross Ref: BG-90-12 - - BG Lovell's Detachment, Massachusetts Militia, Penobscot Expedition.
- 44
- Montgomery, Thomas Lynch, ed. "Orderly Book, June 19th 1779 to July 30th, 1779." Pennsylvania Archives, 6th Ser., 14, pp. 21-65.
Cross Ref: OT-04-06 - - The German Battalion [1776-1780].
- 48
- ________, ed. "Orderly Book of the Lieut. Colo's Company, German Regiment, 1780." Pennsylvania Archives, 6th Ser., 14, pp. 123-189.
Cross Ref: OT-04-08 - - The German Battalion [1776-1780].
- 46
- ________, ed. "Orderly Book Nov. 13th, 1780, to Dec'r 9th, 1780." Pennsylvania Archives, 6th Ser., 14, pp. 191-207.
Cross Ref: BG-30-03 - - BG Maxwell's Brigade.
- 47
- ________, ed. "The Order of March of Hand's Brigade From Wyoming to Tioga." Pennsylvania Archives, 6th Ser., 14, pp. 67-121.
Cross Ref: BG-46-03 - - BG Hand's Brigade.
- 85
- Murray, Louise W., ed. Order Book of Fort Sullivan and Extracts from Journals of Soldiers in Gen. Sullivan's Army Relating to Fort Sullivan at Tioga Point, Pennsylvania, 1779. Tioga Point, PA: Daughters of the American Revolution, Tioga Chapter, 1903.
Cross Ref: AR-03A-08 - - 2d Continental Artillery Regiment.
- 63
- ________, ed. Notes from the Collections of the Tioga Point Museum on the Sullivan Expedition of 1779 and its Centennial Celebration of 1879; including Order Book of General Sullivan Never Before Published, Original Manuscript in the New Jersey Historical Society. Athens, PA: 1929.
Cross Ref: MG-10-01 - - MG Sullivan's Expedition.
- 54
- Order book kept by Peter Kinnan, July 7-September 4, 1776; with an introd. by M.E.Kinnan. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1931.
Cross Ref: NJ-06-01 - - COL Martin's Regiment, New Jersey Levies.
- 31
- The Order Book of Capt. Leonard Bleeker, Major of Brigade in the Early Part of the Expedition under Gen. James Clinton, Against the Indian Settlements of Western New York, in the Campaign of 1779. New York: Joseph Sabin, 1865.
Cross Ref: BG-25-01 - - BG James Clinton's Brigade.
- 62
- "Order Book of John Faucheraud Grimke. August 1778 to May 1780." South Carolina Historical and Genealogical Magazine, 13 (1912), pp. 42-55, 89-123, 146-153, 205-212; 14 (1913), pp. 44-57, 98-111, 160-170, 219-224; 15 (1914), pp. 51-59, 82-90, 124-132, 166-170,; 16 (1915), pp. 39-48, 80-85, 123-128, 178-183; 17 (1916), pp. 26-33, 82-86, 116-120, 167-174,; 18 (1917), pp. 78-84, 149-153, 175-179; 19 (1918), pp. 101-104, 181-188.
Cross Ref: HH-16-06 - - Southern Department.
- 57
- "The Order book of Lieut. Colonel Francis Barber." Proceedings of the New Jersey Historical Society, 65 (April 1947), pp. 61-82; 66 (April 1948), pp. 48-57; 66 (1948), pp. 122-25; 66 (July 1948), pp. 197-202; 67 (April 1949), pp. 158-65.
Cross Ref: MG-10-01 - - MG Sullivan's Expedition.
- 92
- "Orderly Book, 1st Virginia State Regiment, 4 June - 4 July 1778." The Virginia Magazine of History and Biography, XVII (January 1909), pp. 48-51, (April 1909), pp. 178-186, (July 1909), pp. 294-301, (October 1909), pp. 413-419; XVIII (January 1910), pp. 73-79, and (April 1910), pp. 170-176.
Cross Ref: VA-16-03 - - 1st Virginia State Regiment [1777 - 1779].
- 50
- "Orderly Book, Fourth Pennsylvania Battalion, Col. Anthony Wayne, 1776." Pennsylvania Magazine of History and Biography, 29 (October 1905), pp. 470-478; 30 (January, July 1906), pp. 91-103, 206-219.
Cross Ref: PA-05A-01 and PA-05A-06 - - 4th Pennsylvania Battalion [1776].
- 41
- "Orderly Book, October 11, 1777 to November 20, 1777." New Jersey Society of Pennsylvania Yearbook, 1928.
Cross Ref: RI-01C-04 - - 1st Rhode Island Regiment [1777-1780].
- 3
- "Orderly Book at Siege of Boston of Capt. William Coit of New London, April 23 to August 7, 1775: with sketch of Capt. Coit." Collections of the Connecticut Historical Society, v.7, 1890.
Cross Ref: CT-06A-02 - - 6th Connecticut Regiment [1775].
- 18
- "Orderly Book Kept by Capt. Abraham Dodge of Ipswich, January 1, 1776 to August 1, 1776." Essex Institute Historical Collections, 80 (1944), pp. 37-53, 111-130, 208-228, 368-384; 81 (1945), pp. 87-94, 152-175.
Cross Ref: MA-14B-02 - - 12th Continental Regiment [1776].
- 11
- "Orderly Book of Captain Robert Gamble." Collections of the Virginia Historical Society, New Series, XI (1892), pp. 231-263 and "Revolutionary Army Orders for the Main Army under Washington. 1778-1779." Virginia Magazine of History and Biography, XVIII (July 1910), pp. 311-318, (October 1910), pp. 428-434, XIX (January 1911), pp. 38-44, (July 1911), pp. 276-281, and XX (January 1912), pp. 45-51.
Cross Ref: LI-00-01 - - LTC Febiger's Regiment, Wayne's Light Infantry Brigade.
- 74
- "Orderly Book of Captain Sharp Delany, Third Battalion Pennsylvania Militia, July 16-25, 1776." Pennsylvania Magazine of History and Biography, 32 (1908), pp. 302-308.
Cross Ref: PA-19-01 - - 3d Battalion of Pennsylvania Associators.
- 17
- "Orderly Book of Capt. Enoch Putnam of Danvers, 1776." Essex Institute Historical Collections, 67 (1931), pp. 49-64, 119-136, 249-264, 361-379.
Cross Ref: MA-15B-02 - - 27th Continental Regiment [1776].
- 33
- Orderly book of Capt. Ichabod Norton of Colonel Mott's regiment of Connecticut troops destined for the northern campaign in 1776 at Skeensborough (now Whitehall), Fort Ann and Ticonderoga, N.Y., and at Mount Independence, Vt.: together with a fac similie of Captain Norton's map of Ticonderoga and Mount Independence / with introduction by Robert O. Bascom. Fort Edward, NY: Keating & Barnard, 1898.
Cross Ref: CT-23-13 - - COL Mott's Connecticut State Regiment.
- 16
- "Orderly Book of Capt. Simeon Brown , Colonel Wade's Regiment, Rhode Island Campaign, 1778." Essex Institute Historical Collections, 58(July 1922), pp. 245-261.
Cross Ref: MA-36-26 - - COL Wade's Regiment, Massachusetts Militia.
- 36
- "The orderly book of Colonel Phineas Porter." Handbook number three. Waterbury, CT: Mattatuck Historical Society, 1928.
Cross Ref: CT-23-03 - - COL Douglass', 5th Connecticut State Regiment.
- 5
- The orderly book of Colonel William Henshaw, of the American army, April 20-Sept. 26, 1775. Including memoir by Emory Washburn, and notes by Charles C. Smith. With additions by Harriet E. Henshaw.. Boston: A. Williams & Co, 1881. [Originally published in Proceedings of the Massachusetts Historical Society, series 1, 15 (October 1876), pp. 75-160].
Cross Ref: HH-01-04 - - The New England Army and GEN Washington's Headquarters.
- 84
- "Orderly Book of Colonel Zebulon Butler, at Wyoming, From Aug. 1, 1778 to Oct. 28, 1778." Proceedings and Collections of the Wyoming Historical and Geological Society, 7 (1902), pp. 106-130.
Cross Ref: CT-22-01 - - Wyoming Independent Company [June 1778 - June 1781].
- 51
- "Orderly Book of Gen. John Peter Gabriel Muhlenberg, March[May] 26-December 20, 1777." Pennsylvania Magazine of History and Biography, 33 (1909), pp. 257-278, 454-474; 34 (1910), pp. 21-40, 166-189, 336-360, 438-477; 35 (1911), pp. 59-89, 156-187, 290-303.
Cross Ref: BG-43-01 - - BG Muhlenberg's Brigade.
- 52
- "Orderly Book of General Edward Hand, Valley Forge, January, 1778." Pennsylvania Magazine of History and Biography, 41(1917), pp. 198-223, 257-273, 458-467.
Cross Ref: HH-02-46 and HH-02-47 - - GEN Washington's Headquarters.
- 9
- Orderly book of Lieut. Abraham Chittenden, adjt. 7th Conn. reg't: August 16, 1776 to September 29, 1776. Hartford, CT: Case, Lockwood & Brainard, 1922.
Cross Ref: CT-11-01 - - COL Ward's Connecticut Regiment [1776].
- 55
- "The Orderly Book of Lieutenant John Spear (July 17 to December 4, 1781)." Proceedings of the New Jersey Historical Society, New Ser., 1 (July 1916), pp. 129-146.
Cross Ref: NJ-05-01 - - COL Seeley's Regiment, New Jersey Levies.
- 65
- "Orderly Book of Major William Heth of the Third Virginia Regiment, May 15-July 1, 1777." Virginia Historical Society Collections, New Ser., 11 (1892), pp. 319-376.
Cross Ref: VA-03-01 and on the web - - 3d Virginia Regiment [1776-1780].
- 8
- The orderly book of that portion of the American Army stationed at or near Williamsburg, Va., under the command of General Andrew Lewis, from March 18th, 1776, to August 28th, 1776. Printed from the original manuscript, with notes and introduction by Charles Campbell, esq. Richmond, VA: Privately printed, 1860. [Reprint, 1981: Lost Cause Press, Sabin edition: 4 microfiche.]
Cross Ref: VA-06-01 - - 6th Virginia Regiment [1776-1779].
- 38
- "Orderly Book of the First Pennsylvania Regiment. COL James Chambers. July 26, 1778 - December 6, 1778." Pennsylvania Archives, 2d series, v. 11, pp. 286-396.
Cross Ref: PA-01C-01 - - 1st Pennsylvania Regiment [1777-1780].
- 45
- "Orderly Book of the First Pennsylvania Regiment. COL James Chambers. May 23, 1779 - August 25, 1779." Pennsylvania Archives, 2d series, v. 11, pp. 439-502.
Cross Ref: PA-01C-02 - - 1st Pennsylvania Regiment [1777-1780].
- 42
- "Orderly Book of the First Pennsylvania Regiment. COL. James Chambers. June 13, 1780 - August 5, 1780." Pennsylvania Archives, 2d series, v.11, pp. 527-570.
Cross Ref: PA-01C-04 - - 1st Pennsylvania Regiment [1777-1780].
- 60
- "Orderly Book of the First Pennsylvania Regiment, Sept. 12, 1780 - Nov. 18, 1780." Pennsylvania Archives, 2d series, v. 11, pp. 589-627.
Cross Ref: BG-77-01 - - 1st Pennsylvania Regiment [1777-1780].
- 7
- "Orderly Book of the New Jersey Brigade, July 30 to October 8, 1780, including general orders issued by General George Washington and also Major General Nathanael Greene while in temporary command of the Continental Army." Bergen County Historical Society Annual Report for 1921-22.
Cross Ref: BG-30-01 - - BG Maxwell's Brigade.
- 37
- Orderly book of the Northern Army at Ticonderoga and Mt. Independence, from October 17th, 1776 to January 8th, 1777, with biographical and explanatory notes, and an appendix. Albany, NY: J. Munsell, 1859.
Cross Ref: PA-05A-08 - - 4th Pennsylvania Battalion [1776].
- 14
- "Orderly Book of the Regiment of Artillery Raised for the Defence of the Town of Boston in 1776." Essex Institute Historical Collections, 13 (1875-1876), pp. 115-134, 237-252; 14 (1877), pp. 60-76, 110-128, 188-211. Reprint, Orderly book of the regiment of artillery raised for the defence of the town of Boston, commanded by Col. Thomas Crafts, from June 1777, to Dec., 1778. Also called the "Massachusetts state's train". Salem, MA: Salem Press 1876.
Cross Ref: AR-13-01 - - Massachusetts Train of Artillery.
- 43
- "The Orderly Book of the Seventh Penn'a. Regiment. February 2, 1779, to April 15, 1779." Pennsylvania Archives, 2d Ser., v.11, pp. 397-438.
Cross Ref: PA-07B-02 - - 7th Pennsylvania Regiment [1777-1780].
- 73
- "The Orderly Book of the Seventh Penn'a. Regiment. August 1, 1779, to September 11, 1779." Pennsylvania Archives, 2d series, v. 11, pp. 503-526.
Cross Ref: PA-07B-04 - - 7th Pennsylvania Regiment [1777-1780].
- 64
- Orderly book of the siege of Yorktown, from September 26th 1781 , to November 2nd, 1781. (Now first printed from the original mss.). Philadelphia, PA: Horace W. Smith, 1865.
Cross Ref: U-81-04 - - Unidentified Unit.
- 6
- The orderly books of Col. William Henshaw, October 1, 1775, through October 3, 1776, reprinted from the Proceedings for April 1947, pp. 19-234. Worcester, MA: American Antiquarian Society, 1948.
Cross Ref: MA-14B-05, MA-14B-06, MA-14B-07 - - 12th Continental Regiment [1776].
- 82
- "Orders Issued by Major Genl. Gates while Commanding the Southern Army, July 26th to August 31st 1780." Magazine of American History, 5 (October 1880), pp. 310-320.
Cross Ref: HH-16-11 - - Southern Department.
- 13
- Pennypacker, Samuel W., ed. Valley Forge orderly book of General George Weedon of the continental army under the command of Genl. George Washington, in the Campaign of 1777-8 describing the events of the battles of Brandywine, Warren Tavern, Germantown, and Whitemarsh, and of the camps at Neshaminy, Wilmington, Pennypacker's Mills, Skippack, Whitemarsh, & Valley Forge. New York: Dodd, Mead and Co., 1902. Reprint, The New York Times, New York, 1971.
Cross Ref: BG-44-01 - - BG Weedon's Brigade.
- 101
- Portland Argus, February 8, 1913.
Cross Ref: MA-16C-14 - - 6th Massachusetts Regiment [1777-1783].
- 100
- Portland Sunday Times, April 15 and 22, 1906.
Cross Ref: MA-16C-14 - - 6th Massachusetts Regiment [1777-1783].
- 105
- Putnam's Monthly Historical Magazine, Vol 1., p. 306 and later.
Cross Ref: MA-16A-01 COL J. Nixon's Massachusetts Regiment [1775].
- 79
- "Revoltionary Army Orders for the Main Army under Washington. 1778-1779. Revolutionary Order Book, Smith Cove[Clove], Sept. 1779, to Morristown, Dec. 2, 1779." The Virginia Magazine of History and Biography, XIX (October 1911), pp. 390-395; XX (April 1912), pp. 141-148, (July 1912), pp. 251-259; XXI (January 1913), pp. 24-32, (April 1913), pp. 155-162, (July 1913), 293-304, (October 1913), pp. 377-383, and XXII (January 1914), pp. 6-13.
Cross Ref: VA-16-04 - - 1st Virginia State Regiment [1777-1779].
- 91
- "Revoltionary Army Orders for the Main Army under Washington. 1778-1779. Revolutionary Orderly Book - Headquarters, Jan. 1778 to Headquarters, Jun. 3, 1778." The Virginia Magazine of History and Biography, XIV (April 1907), pp. 402-407; XV (July 1907), pp. 44-56, (October 1907), pp. 165-176, (January 1908), pp. 279-287, (April 1908), 417-426; XVI (July 1908), pp. 56-63, (October 1908), pp. 184-190, and XVII (January 1909), pp. 46-48.
Cross Ref: VA-16-01 - - 1st Virginia State Regiment [1777-1779].
- 90
- "Revoltionary Army Orders for the Main Army under Washington. 1778-1779. Revolutionary Orderly Book - Headquarters, Jan. 1778 to Headquarters, Jun. 3, 1778." The Virginia Magazine of History and Biography, XIII (April 1906), pp. 337-350; XIV (July 1906), pp. 35-50, (October 1906), pp. 180-187, and (January 1907), pp. 309-313.
Cross Ref: VA-16-02 - - 1st Virginia State Regiment [1777-1779].
- 15
- "Revolutionary Orderly Book of Capt. Jeremiah Putnam of Danvers, Mass., in the Rhode Island Campaign, July 10, 1779-December 19, 1779." Essex Institute Historical Collections, 46 (October 1910), pp. 333-347; 47 (January 1911), pp. 41-62.
Cross Ref: MA-36-26 -- COL Wade's Regiment, Massachusetts Militia.
- 4
- "Revolutionary Orderly Book, 1777" [Orders of Major-General Horatio Gates, commanding in the Northern department, 21 Aug-31 Dec 1777]. United States of America, Department of State and Public Institutions Army, 1928.
Cross Ref: HH-15-09 - - Highlands Department.
- 28
- Salley, A.S. The history of Orangeburg County, South Carolina, from its first settlement to the close of the Revolutionary War. Orangeburg, SC: R.L. Berry, printer, 1898. Contains Colonel Thomson's order book -- June 24th, 1775, to November 3rd, 1778, pp. 387-465.
Cross Ref: SC-03-01 - - 3d South Carolina Regiment [1775-1780].
- 61
- ________, ed. "An Order Book of the 1st Regt., S.C. Line, Continental Establishment." South Carolina Historical and Genealogical Magazine, 7 (1906), pp. 75-80, 130-142, 194-203; 8 (1907), pp. 19-28, 69-87.
Cross Ref: SC-01-01 - - 1st South Carolina Regiment [1775-1780].
- 78
- ________. "Order Book of Colonel Peter Horry." South Carolina Historical and Genealogical Magazine, 34(April, July 1933), pp. 49-57, 112-117.
Cross Ref: MT-11-03 - - LTC Peter Horry's South Carolina Regiment.
- 24
- ________. An order book of the Third regiment, South Carolina line, Continental establishment, December 23, 1776-May 2, 1777. Columbia, SC: Historical Commission of South Carolina, 1942.
Cross Ref: SC-03-02 - - 3d South Carolina Regiment [1775-1780].
- 20
- Salsig, Doyen, ed. Parole, Quebec--countersign, Ticonderoga: Second New Jersey Regimental orderly book, 1776. Cranbury, NJ: Associated University Presses, c1980.
Cross Ref: NJ-02A-01 - - 2d New Jersey Regiment [1775-1783].
- 83
- "Siege of Savannah 1779: General Orders of the Count D'Estaing for the Attack by the Allied Forces 8th and 9th October." Magazine of American History, 2(September 1878), pp. 548-551.
Cross Ref: HH-16-10 - - The Southern Deprtment.
- 76
- Simons, Robert Bentham, ed. "Regimental Book of Captain James Bentham, 1778-1780." South Carolina Historical and Genealogical Magazine, 53 (1952), pp. 13-18, 101-112, 161-171, 230-240; 54 (1953), pp. 37-47, 88-96, 143-155.
Cross Ref: SC-06-04 and SC-07-02 - - Charles Towne Regiment, South Carolina Militia.
- 30
- Some extracts from the orderly book of Colonel Israel Hutchinson, of the American Army: March 20-July 8, 1776. Boston, MA: Press of John Wilson and Son, 1878.
Cross Ref: MA-15B-01 - - 27th Continental Regiment [1776].
- 1
- Tarantino, Salvatore, and John T. Hayes. Soldiering On, 1782-1783: a revised and annotated edition of the orderly book of the Third Troop, Second Continental Light Dragoons as kept by Captain Jeronimus Hoogland and Sergeant Henry Purketh. Fort Lauderdale, FL: Saddlebag Press, 2001.
Cross Ref: MT-02B-02 - - 2d Legionary Corps [1781-1783].
- 67
- Tartar, Brent, ed. "The Orderly Book of the Second Virginia Regiment, September 27, 1775-April 15, 1776." Virginia Magazine of History and Biography, 85 (April, July 1977), pp. 156-183, 302-336.
Cross Ref: VA-02-01 - - 2d Virginia Regiment [1775-1780].
- 96
- Todd, Charles Burr. "Colonel Aaron Barlow's Book of Orders". The American Historical Register, 3 (1895-96), pp. 662-667.
Cross Ref: CT-05-02 - - 5th Connecticut Regiment [1775].
- 10
- Turner, Joseph Brown, ed. The Journal and Order Book of Captain Robert Kirkwood of the Delaware Regiment of the Continental Line. Wilmington, DE: Historical Society of Delaware, 1910.
Cross Ref: DE-01-01 - - The Deleware Regiment [1777-1780].
- 68
- Wallace, Lee A., Jr., ed. The orderly book of Captain Benjamin Taliaferro: 2d Virginia Detachment, Charleston, South Carolina, 1780. Richmond, VA: Virginia State Library, 1980.
Cross Ref: VA-19-01 - - 2d Virginia Detachment, [1779-1780].
- 22
- "The Wayne Orderly Book." Bulletin of the Fort Ticonderoga Museum, 11 (September 1963), pp. 93-112; (Dec 1963), pp. 125-154; (July 1964), pp. 177-205.
Cross Ref: PA-05A-07 - - 4th Pennsylvania Battalion [1776].
- 72
- "A Whitemarsh orderly book, 1777." Pennsylvania Magazine of History and Biography, 45 (July 1921), pp. 205-219.
Cross Ref: MG-90-01 - - Pennsylvania Militia Division.
- 2
- Willey, H., ed. A Memento of the Siege of Boston, Massachusetts, 1775. New Bedford, MA: Press of E. Anthony & Sons, 1887.
Cross Ref: BG-06-02 - - BG Spencer's Brigade.
- 86
- Williams, Edward G., ed., "A Revolutionary Journal and Orderly Book of General Lachlan McIntosh's Expedition, 1778". Western Pennsylvania Historical Magazine, 43 (1960), pp. 1-17, 157-177, 267-288.
Cross Ref: BG-76-01 - - COL Brodhead's Brigade.
Published Sources Not Used [for the reasons stated].
- 21
- Boynton, Edward Carlisle, comp. General Orders of George Washington, Commander-in-Chief of the American Army of Revolution, issued at Newburgh on the Hudson, 1782-83, Newburgh, NY: News Company, 1909. Reprint, with an Introduction by Alan C. Aimone, Harrison, NY: Harbor Hill Books, 1973.
Cross Ref: [Not complete, when compared with the collection in #69.]
- 97
- Conover, Charles Tallmadge, ed. "Original orderly books written on the battlefields of [the] American Revolution." Journal of American History, 4 (July, October 1910), pp. 341-350, 491-494; 5 (January 1911), pp. 105-112.
Original NYS Library 10464 [Extracts of the complete set of orders published in #88].
- 89
- "Orderly Book & Journal of James Newell." Virginia Magazine of History and Biography, XI (July 1904), pp. 242-?
[Orders from 1774 at Point Pleasant - Dunmore's War.]
- 95
- Pennsylvania Magazine of History and Biography, 3 (Dec. 1884), pp. 363-376. Reprint: Benedict Arnold's Regimental Memorandum Book Written While at Crown Point and Ticonderoga, 1775, Philadelphia: Collins, 1884.
[Journal, not an orderly book.]
- 106
- Revolutionary Orders of General Washington Issued During the Years 1778, '80, '81, '82, Selected from the Mss. of John Whiting Lieut. and Adjutant of the Second Massachusetts Line and edited by his Son Henry Whiting, New York: Wiley & Putnam, 1844.
[Extracts from a longer series.]
- 87
- Saffell, W.T.R. Records of the Revolutionary War: Containing the Military and Financial Correspondence of Distinguished Officers; Names of the Officers and Privates of Regiments, Companies and Corps, with the dates of their Commissions and Enlistments; General Orders of Washington, Lee, and Greene, at Germantown and Valley Forge New York: Pudney & Russell, 1858; 3rd Edition, Baltimore, MD: Charles E. Saffell, 1894.
[Extracts - sources not specified.]
- 93
- Smith, Justin H. Arnold's March From Cambridge to Quebec; a Critical Study, together with a reprint of Arnold's Journal, New York: G.P. Putnam's Sons, 1903.
[Journal, not an orderly book.]
- 58
- Todd, Charles B., ed. "The March to Montreal & Quebec 1775." American Historical Register, III (1895-1896), pp. 641-649. [Journal, not an orderly book.]
Last Updated: 25 August 2002![]()