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Revolutionary War Unit Rolls | ![]() |
© 1999 -- 2022 - John K. Robertson and Bob McDonald
© Don Troiani
Private, 2nd Battalion Philadelphia Associators, 1776To complement the website’s indexing of Continental Army orderly books, this section profiles the other most beneficial source for “micro” study of individual army units, that being the collection of unit “rolls” available via microfilm through the National Archives system. Additionally, and much more conveniently, these records are now available online. Being composed of 138 reels of microfilmed contemporary manuscript documents, the title of Record Group M-246 is somewhat of a misnomer in that its contents include bi-monthly muster rolls and payrolls, weekly strength returns, descriptive rosters, periodic inspection reports, clothing returns, as well as a potentially broad array of “miscellaneous” unit-related archival records. These, in short, constitute the largest aggregation of the “paperwork” of the army’s units. For background, the several most common categories of records within this archive might be briefly defined:
Bi-monthly muster rolls were prepared at the company level in order to track the army’s strength in the finest detail. Each roll contains the names of the constituent officers and men, frequently citing their dates of enlistment, and documenting their assignments, activities and/or, if relevant, any man’s special conditions or changes since the prior bi-monthly period. Within the “comments” section of a roll, for example, a given man might be noted as being “on command”, “on guard”, or “assigned to General Washington’s [or another general’s] guard.” As to special conditions, a man may be listed as being “sick in camp” or at a specified army hospital, “in the enemy’s captivity”, “on furlough”, “absent with leave” or the more extreme alternative of “deserted.” Changes since the prior roll might include several of the preceding comments, as well as specification of transfer to the light infantry company, “on wagon duty”, “promoted” (and, at times, the reverse of “reduced” or “broken”), “died” if of disease, “wounded” or “killed” if in combat or through a major camp accident. Clearly then, muster rolls are perhaps the very best source for tracking the military career of an individual Revolutionary soldier for the purpose of genealogical research.
Bi-monthly payrolls, of course, track the (frequently appalling) financial condition of each man, documenting the dates and amounts of wages paid, the amount of wages in arrears, and, at times, “stoppages” (i.e., withdrawals) made from the wages to reflect the cost penalties of lost or damaged clothing, arms and equipment, and even charges as minimal as twenty-five cents for a wasted musket cartridge. Beyond the typical appearance of each man’s date and terms of enlistment, very little data of genealogical research value are to be found within payrolls.
Weekly strength returns are basically of value only to the researcher tracking company and regimental manpower, these documents simply being the most frequent counts of each company’s officers and rank and file for the purpose of regimental management and aggregation at the brigade, division and army levels. Because, however, a unit’s manpower is categorized as to, for example, “present”, “sick”, “on furlough”, “deserted” and so on, these resources would also be the primary basis for statistical studies of issues such as health and morale.
One of the most desirable reports for a given unit is a descriptive roster. For purposes of both genealogical research and “sociological” studies of the army, the content of these documents is invaluable, detailing for each unit member: his date and term of enlistment, his age, height, race (typically via “complexion”), civilian occupation, home town and/or country of birth and, at times, special “comments.” While a remarkably valuable source for profiling the composition of particular units and the army in general, the original purpose of these records was much less benign, their being maintained to assist in identifying and apprehending deserters. Unfortunately, as well, descriptive rosters are among the least common general records, some unit’s files containing, for example, all eighteen muster rolls for a three-year period, but not one descriptive roster.
Inspection reports, likewise, are quite rarely found. Again, this is a very unfortunate situation in that these records are the primary basis for developing a “mental image” of the condition of different units and the army in general. As suggested by their title, these documents were the result of the inspections performed by the army’s inspector general, the Baron von Steuben, and his staff, the primary focus being on arms and accouterments (cartridge boxes, canteens, bayonets and scabbards, knapsacks, haversacks, etc.) Typically, a given unit’s condition per these requirements is categorized as “good,” “bad,” or “wanting” (i.e., lacking entirely.) While inspection reports do survive relating to specific regiments, it was more common for inspections to be conducted at the brigade level, thus somewhat guising detail amid large numbers. As noted, given that these reports were essentially concurrent with Steuben’s period in the inspector’s office, most surviving records date no earlier than mid-1779.
As a pleasant counterbalance to the scarcity of inspection reports, clothing returns can be found for many units, and these were most frequently developed at the company level. In addition, the level of detail within these reports is fascinating, a typical return listing the names of the company members and, for each man, commenting on: hats, coats, jackets and/or waistcoats, breeches, overalls, shirts, stockings, shoes and blankets. As with arms and accouterments, clothing items are qualified as “good,” “bad,” and “wanting.” Obviously, the great interest in American military uniforms and material culture makes these Continental clothing returns a highly important resource for the “envisioning” of Washington’s troops.
As earlier noted, the documents that appear microfilmed within Record Group M-246 are the original, wartime manuscripts. As most readers are likely to be aware, the National Archives provides military service profiling of any individual for a nominal fee. Thus, one might wonder why anyone would invest the cost to acquire the appropriate microfilm reel or reels and expend the time to examine 225 year old handwritten documents, often needing to review a dozen or more muster rolls to “search out” a soldier of interest. In response, it is absolutely critical to understand that when the National Archives searcher staff fills a request for a records check to profile an individual soldier, they at no time refer to the original manuscript documents or the microfilms of them contained in M-246. Beginning in the 1930’s as a WPA project, summary file cards were prepared to profile the service of (purportedly) all Revolutionary War servicemen, the primary task being exactly the same review of unit muster rolls as suggested here. When today’s National Archives searcher staff develops a report of an individual soldier’s service, it is this body of WPA index cards that is used, not the original manuscript unit rolls or the microfilmed copies of them.
Why “reinvent the wheel” by working with the M-246 microfilms? In short, the experience of the compilers of this website has demonstrated that only a minority of the “standard” searches performed by the National Archives staff achieve completeness. It needs first be remembered that the men and women employed in the WPA summary records project of the 1930’s were in no way experts with regard to the Continental Army, archival documentation and standards, or eighteenth-century handwriting. Even ignoring the issues of expertise and commitment, given the enormous volume of service and unit records, it is highly understandable that significant rates of error would be inevitable. In addition, many of the manuscript documents that appear in the M-246 film series are not and never were the property of the National Archives. To their credit, the planners of the 1950’s microfilming program borrowed large numbers of original muster rolls, payrolls and so on from the departments of archives and records of the earliest states, these never having been available to affect the content of the 1930’s summary recording program. Lastly, today’s National Archives receives a stunning number of requests for record searches relating to military profiles of American servicemen and women from the colonial period to date. With a staff size significantly limited by budgetary constraints and competing priorities, it is obvious that a research request can never receive the time, care, attention, and patience that would be given by a descendant researching his or her ancestor or by an enthusiastic student of the Revolutionary War. Thus, anyone seriously committed to individual or unit research will hire an independent researcher or will do the research themselves.
The latter point leads to the last area of comment in this introduction to the M-246 film record group. How does one personally access and use the data contained on the microfilms? Unless one lives in close proximity to the National Archives headquarters or to one of its branch offices (click here for locations), the primary challenge is accessing the microfilm reel or reels needed for a particular research project. With the current tremendous interest in genealogy and military service, this process is now greatly facilitated by online resources. In our opinion, the most convenient and productive approach in working with the M-246 films is offered by the National Archives-related firm called Fold3 or its parent Ancestry® At the latter website, one can read and download from among their entire catalog of thousands of reels of National Archives and Library of Congress microfilm, including not only Revolutionary War and other American military-related records, but also the enormous body of data relating to all national censuses since the first of 1790. Based on our focus on the M-246 records group, and on lowest cost, we prefer Fold3 Subscriptionns.
As will be seen in the following catalog of Record Group M-246, this National Archives file contains films relating to Continental Line forces, state troops, and militia units. One needs note that some units “overlap” across two reels. It is obviously important that the catalog be carefully reviewed to assure the choice of the correct unit that one is seeking. (The numbers shown in parentheses following the unit designations relate to the sequential numbering of the component file folders within and across units, and have no relevance in selecting films.) As was pointed out in another section of this website, the designations of Revolutionary War units is a complex and at times frustrating topic. Double-checking that the correct film has been chosen is essential.

© Don Troiani
Sergeant, Light Infantry Company,
3rd Battalion Philadelphia Associators, 1775-76
New Hampshire
New Jersey
New York
North Carolina
Rhode Island
South Carolina
Numbered Continental Regiments of 1776
Additional Regiments of 1777
Higher Headquarters
Roll # Unit M246-1 Register (“Catalogue of Records”) CONNECTICUT
M246-2 1st Regiment, 1777-80 (1-6)
© Don Troiani
Private, 3rd Connecticut Regiment, 1778M246-3 1st Regiment, 1777-80 (7-10) M246-4 1st Regiment, 1777-80 (11);
1st Regiment, 1781-83 (12-21)M246-5 2d Regiment, 1777-80 (22-25) M246-6 2d Regiment, 1777-80 (26-29) M246-7 2d Regiment, 1777-80 (30-32);
2d Regiment, 1781-83 (33-39)M246-8 2d Regiment, 1781-83 (40-42);
3d Regiment, 1777-80 (43-44)M246-9 3d Regiment, 1777-80 (45-50) M246-10 3d Regiment, 1777-80 (51-52);
3d Regiment, 1781-83 (53-62)M246-11 4th Regiment, 1777-80 (63-66) M246-12 4th Regiment, 1777-80 (67-72) M246-13 4th Regiment, 1777-80 (73-75);
4th Regiment, 1781-82 (76-85);
5th Regiment, 1777-80 (86-90)M246-14 5th Regiment, 1777-80 (91-93) M246-15 5th Regiment, 1777-80 (94-96);
5th Regiment, 1781-82 (97-98)M246-16 5th Regiment, 1781-82 (99-107);
6th Regiment, 1777-80 (108-109)M246-17 6th Regiment, 1777-80 (110-113) M246-18 6th Regiment, 1777-80 (114-117) M246-19 7th Regiment, 1777-80 (118-120) M246-20 7th Regiment, 1777-80 (121-124)
© Don Troiani
Private, 4th Connecticut Regiment, 1778-79M246-21 7th Regiment, 1777-80 (125-127);
8th Regiment, 1777-80 (128)M246-22 8th Regiment, 1777-80 (129-131) M246-23 8th Regiment, 1777-80 (132-134) M246-24 8th Regiment, 1777-80 (135-137);
9th Regiment, 1777-80 (138)M246-25 9th Regiment, 1777-80 (139-147);
Connecticut Regiment, 1783 (148-154)M246-26 Connecticut Regiment, 1783 (155- 157);
5th Regiment of Light Horse, 1776-79 (158);
Backus’ Regiment of Light Horse, 1776 (159);
Skinner’s Regiment of Light Horse, 1776 (160);
Starr’s Regiment of Light Horse, 1779 (161);
Seymour’s Regiment of Light Dragoons (162);
1st Regiment Forces, 1775 (163);
1st Battalion State Regiment, 1776-77 (164);
1st Regiment of Militia, 1778-79 (165);
2d Regiment of Militia, 1776 (166);
3d Regiment of Foot, 1775 (167);
3d Regiment of Militia, 1776 (168);
4th Regiment of Militia, 1775 (169);
4th Regiment of Foot, 1776 (170);
5th Regiment, 1775 (171);
5th Regiment of Militia, 1776 (172);
7th Regiment of Militia, 1776 (173);
7th Regiment, 1775 (174);
8th Regiment, 1775 (175);
8th Regiment of Militia, 1776 (176);
8th Regiment of Militia, 1780 (177);
9th Regiment of Militia, 1776-81 (178);
10th Regiment of Militia, 1776-77 (179);
12th Regiment of Foot, 1776 (180);
13th Regiment of Militia, 1776 (181);
16th Regiment of Militia, 1776 (182);
18th Regiment of Militia, 1776 (183);
© Don Troiani
Private, 6th Connecticut Regiment, 1780M246-27 20th Regiment of Militia, 1779-81 (184);
21st Regiment of Militia, 1778-81 (185);
22d Regiment of Militia, 1776 (186);
25th Regiment of Militia, 1778 (187);
25th Regiment, 1776 (188);
33d Regiment of Foot, 1775 (189);
(Averill’s) Company, 1782 (190);
(Bigelow’s) Company of Artillery, 1776 (191);
Belding’s Regiment, 1777 (192);
(Bennett’s) Company of Militia, 1781 (193);
(Bixby’s) Company of Militia, 1776 (194);
Bradley’s Regiment, 1776-77 (195);
(Bradley’s) Company of Matrosses and Artillery, 1779-81 (196);
(Bristol’s) Company of Militia, 1779 (197);
Burrell’s Regiment, 1776-77 (198);
Canfield’s Regiment of Militia, 1781 (199);
Chapman’s Regiment of Militia, 1778 (200);
Chester’s Regiment of Militia, 1776- 77 (201);
Cook’s Regiment of Militia, 1777 (202);
Douglas’ Regiment of Levies, 1776 (203);
Douglas’ Regiment, 1776 (204);
Durkee’s Company of Matrosses, 1782-84 (205);
Elmore’s Battalion, 1776-77 (206);
Ely’s Brigade of Teamsters, 1781 (207);
Ely’s Regiment, 1777 (208);
Enos’ Regiment, 1776-77 (209);
Fitch’s Independent Company, 1783 (210);
Gallup’s Company, 1776 (211);
Gallup’s Regiment, 1779 (212);
Gay’s Regiment, 1776 (213);
Hand’s Company of Militia, 1776 (214);
Hooker’s Regiment of Militia, 1777 (215);
Johnson’s Regiment of Militia, 1778 (216)M246-28 Latimer’s Regiment of Militia, 1777- 78 (217);
Lee’s Company of Guards, 1780 (218);
Leffingwell’s Company, 1777 (219);
Lewis’ Regiment, 1776 (220);
Lockwood’s Company of Coast Guards, 1780-81 (221);
Lockwood’s Company of Coast Guards, 1781-82 (222);
Markham’s Company of Militia, 1781 (223);
Mason’s Company of Militia, 1776 (224);
Mason’s Regiment of Militia, 1778 (225);
Mather’s Independent Company, 1776 (226);
Matross Company at Norwalk, 1781 (227);
McClallen’s Regiment, 1782 (228);
McClellan’s Regiment, 1777 (229);
McClellan’s Regiment, 1778 (230);
McClellan’s Regiment, 1781-82 (231);
Mead’s Regiment of Militia, 1779 (232);
Miles’ Brigade of Ox Teams, 1781-82 (233);
Moseley’s Detachment of Militia, 1778 (234);
Mott’s Regiment, 1776 (235);
Mott’s Company of Militia, 1776 (236);
Newberry’s Regiment, 1777 (237);
Parker’s Company of Teamsters, 1778 (238);
Parson’s Regiment, 1776 (239);
Parson’s Regiment of Militia, 1777 (240);
Patrick’s Brigade of Teamsters (241);
Porter’s Regiment, 1781 (242);
Reed’s Company of Militia, (243);
Robinson’s Company, 1777 (244);
Sage’s Regiment, 1776-77 (245);
Corps of Sappers and Miners, 1779- 81 (246);
Shelden’s Company, 1779 (247);
Silliman’s Regiment, 1776 (248);
Talcott’s Regiment, 1776 (249);
Thompson’s Company (250);
Thompson’s Regiment, 1777 (251);
Tyler’s Regiment, 1777 (252);
Vaill’s Company of Guards, 1781-82 (253);
Van Deursen’s Company of State Guards Artillery, 1781 (254);
Wadworth’s Company of Teamsters, 1777-80 (255);
Ward’s Regiment, 1777 (256);
Waterbury’s Regiment, 1776-77 (257);
Whiting’s Regiment, 1777 (258);
Wells’ Regiment of Militia, 1779 (259);
Wells’ Regiment, 1780-81 (260);
Wolcott’s Regiment, 1776 (261);
Wolcott’s Company of Militia, 1776 (262);
Connecticut Line, Field, Staff, and Company Officers (263);
Various Organizations (264)
© Don Troiani
Private, American Militia, 1775-81
M246-29 1st Battalion, New Castle County, 1777 (1);
2d Regiment, New Castle County, 1778- 81 (2);
2d Battalion of Militia, 1776 (3);
2d Regiment of Militia, 1780 (4);
7th Regiment of Militia, 1782 (5);
Flying Camp Battalion, 1776 (6);
Delaware Regiment, 1777-80 (7-9. pt. 1)
© Don Troiani
Private, Delaware Flying Camp, 1776M246-30 Delaware Regiment, 1777-80 (9. pt. 1 - 11. pt. 1) M246-31 Delaware Regiment, 1777-83 (11. pt. 11);
Delaware Regiment, 1776 (12);
Latimer's Independent Company, 1776 (13);
Various Organizations (14)
1st Battalion, 1779-80 (1);
2d Battalion, 1779-80 (2);
3d Battalion, 1779-80 (3);
4th Battalion, 1779 (4)
1777Georgia Battalion, 1782-83 (5);
Emanuel's Regiment of Militia, 1781-82 (6);
Various Organizations (7)
© Don Troiani
Private, 2nd Georgia Regiment,1777
M246-33 Gale's Independent Company of Artillery, 1779-80 (1);
Smith's Artillery, 2d and 3d Companies, 1783 (2);
1st Regiment, 1776 (3);
1st Regiment, 1778-80 (4);
1st Regiment, 1783 (5);
1st Regiment Flying Camp, 1776 (6);
2d Regiment, 1777-80 (7-15);
2d Regiment, 1781 (16);
3d Regiment, 1778-81 (17)
© Don Troiani
Private, Maryland Extraordinary Militia Regiment, 1780M246-34 3d Regiment, 1778 (18-19);
4th Regiment, 1776-78 (20);
4th Regiment, 1777-81 (21);
5th Regiment, 1778-79 (22);
5th Regiment, 1781 (23);
6th Regiment, 1777-79 (24);
7th Regiment, 1777-78 (25);
34th Battalion of Militia, 1776 (26);
37th Battalion of Militia, 1777 (27);
Extraordinary Regiment, 1780 (28);
Flying Camp Regiment (Ewing's), 1776 (29);
Flying Camp Regiment (Griffith's), 1776 (30);
Flying Camp Regiment (Richardson's), 1776 (31);
Lansdale's Detachment, 1783 (32);
Marbury's Detachment, 1784 (33);
Washington County Militia Company, 1777 (34);
Various Organizations (35)
M246-35 1st Regiment, 1777-81 (1-2);
2d Regiment, 1777-81 (3)
© Don Troiani
Private, 12th Massachusetts Regiment, 1777M246-36 3d Regiment, 1777-82 (4);
3d Regiment, 1783 (5);
4th Regiment, 1781-83 (6);
5th Regiment, 1778-81 (7);
5th Regiment, 1783 (8)M246-37 6th Regiment, 1777-80 (9);
7th Regiment, 1777-81 (10);
8th Regiment, 1778-80 (11);
9th Regiment, 1778-81 (12)M246-38 10th Regiment, 1778-80 (13-14);
12th Regiment, 1777-79 (15-17);
13th Regiment, 1777 (18);
15th Regiment, 1777-80 (19)M246-39 15th Regiment, 1777-79 (20);
16th Regiment, 1777-80 (21-26)M246-40 16th Regiment, 1777-80 (27-34);
1st Regiment of Militia, 1776 (35);
1st Regiment of Militia, Lincoln County, 1776 (36);
1st Regiment of Guards, 1778 (37);
3d Regiment of Militia, 1779 (38);
4th Regiment of Militia, 1777 (39);
4th Regiment of Militia, 1778-80 (40);
18th Regiment, 1775 (41);
25th Regiment of Foot, 1775 (42);
32d Regiment of Militia, 1775 (43);
Bailey's Regiment of Militia (44);
Brewer's Regiment, 1776 (45);
Brooks' Regiment of Militia, 1778 (46);
Bullards' Regiment of Militia, 1776 (47);
Burt's Company of Militia, 1776- 77 (48);
Cady's Detachment (or Regiment), 1776 (49);
Carpenter's Company of Militia, 1779 (50);
Carpenter's Regiment of Militia, 1776-78 (51);
Cary's Regiment of Militia, 1780 (52);
Cary's Regiment, 1776 (53);
Cogswell's Regiment of Militia, 1778 (54)M246-41 Cowell's Company of Militia, 1776 (55);
Crandon's Company, 1779 (56);
Cushing's Regiment of Militia, 1777 (57);
Denny's Regiment of Militia (58);
Durfee's Company, 1778 (59);
Fellows' Regiment, 1775 (60);
French's Regiment, 1777 (61);
Frye's Regiment, 1775 (62);
Gerrish's Regiment, 1778 (63);
Goodrich's Command, 1780 (64);
Holman's Regiment of Foot, 1776 (65);
Jacob's Regiment, 1778-79 (66);
Hyde's Detachment of Militia, 1777 (67);
Keyes' Regiment, 1777 (68);
Leach's Company of Matrosses, 1776-77 (69);
Leach's Company (70);
Leonard's Regiment of Militia (71);
Molten's Company of Guards, 1779 (72);
Murray's Regiment of Militia, 1780 (73);
Perce's Battalion of Militia, 1779 (74);
Perry's Company of Minute Men, 1775 (75);
Poor's Regiment of Militia, 1778 (76);
Pope's Regiment, 1777 (77);
Porter's Regiment of Militia, 1776 (78);
Rand's Regiment of Levies, 1776 (79);
Richardson's Company of Militia, 1776-77 (80);
Robinson's Company of Militia, 1777 (81);
Robinson Regiment of Militia, 1777 (82);
Simmond's Regiment of Militia, 1777 (83);
Smith's Regiment of Foot, 1776 (84);
Sparhawk's Regiment of Militia, 1778 (85);
Stearns' Regiment of Militia, 1778 (86);
Turner's Regiment, 1781 (87);
Williams' Regiment, 1777 (88);
Williams' Regiment of Militia, 1777 (89);
Wood's Regiment of Militia, 1778- 79 (90)
© Don Troiani
Private, 9th Massachusetts Regiment, 1782M246-42 Various Organizations (91)
M246-43 1st Battalion, 1776-77 (1);
1st Regiment, 1777-80 (2-5)
© Don Troiani
Private, 2nd New Hampshire Regiment, 1777M246-44 1st Regiment, 1777-80 (6-12) M246-45 2d Regiment, 1776-83 (13-17) M246-46 2d Regiment, 1776-83 (18-24) M246-47 2d Regiment, 1776-83 (25-26);
3d Regiment, 1776-80 (27-33)M246-48 3d Regiment, 1776-80 (34-38);
7th Regiment of Militia, 1776-77 (39);
10th Regiment of Militia, 1776 (40);
12th Regiment of Foot, 1775 (41);
13th Regiment of Militia, 1779 (42);
Arnold's Detachment, 1775 (43);
Ashley's Regiment of Militia, 1776-77 (44);
Atkinson's Company of Rangers, 1776 (45);
Baker's Company of Volunteer, 1777 (46);
Baldwin's Regiment, 1776 (47);
Bartlett's Regiment of Militia, 1780 (48)M246-49 Bedel's Regiment, 1775-76 (49);
Bedel's Regiment, 1778-79 (50);
Bell's Regiment of Militia, 1781 (51);
Bellow's Regiment of Militia, 1776-77 (52);
Berry's Company, 1775 (53);
Bowers' Company, 1777 (54);
Bragdon's Party, 1775 (55);
Butler's Company, 1775 (56);
Calef's Company, 1775 (57);
Chase's Regiment of Militia, 1776-77 (58);
Chesley's Company 1775 (59);
Cilley's Company, 1775 (60);
Clark's Company, 1775 (61);
Clifford's Company, 1775 (62);
Coffin's Company, 1775 (63);
Collins' Company, 1777 (64);
Cooper's Independent Company, 1777 (65);
Copp's Company, 1775 (66);
Crawford's Company, 1775 (67);
Dame's Regiment, 1779-80 (68);
Daniel's Company, 1775-77 (69);
Dearing's Company, 1781 (70);
Dearing's Company of Carpenters and Co., 1775 (71);
Dow's Company, 1777 (72);
Dowe's Company, 1775 (73);
Drake's Regiment of Militia, 1777 (74)M246-50 Eames' Company of Rangers, 1776 (75);
Elkins' Company, 1775 (76);
Emerson's Company, 1775 (77);
Evans' Regiment of Militia, 1777 (78);
Field Artillery Company, 1775-76 (79);
Finlay's Company, 1777 (80);
Follett's Artillery Men, 1775 (81);
Ford's Company, 1775 (82);
French's Company, 1775 (83);
French's Command, 1777 (84);
Gage's Company of Volunteers, 1777 (85);
Gale's Regiment of Volunteers, 1778 (86);
Gerrish's Regiment, 1777 (87);
Gile's Company of Volunteers, 1777 (88);
Gilman's Regiment of Militia, 1776-77 (89);
Guards at Exeter, 1777 (90);
Hale's Regiment of Militia, 1776 and 1778 (91);
Haven's Company, 1777 (92);
Hayes' Company, 1775 (93);
Heald's Company, 1775 (94);
Heath's Scouting Party, 1776 (95);
Hill's (James) Company, 1775 (96);
Hill's (John) Company, 1775 (97);
Hobart's Regiment, 1777 (98);
Hobbs' Company, 1775 (99);
Hodgdon's Company, 1775-76 (100);
Hodgon's Company, 1775 (101);
Houston's Command, 1777 (102);
Hutchins' (Hezekiah) Company, 1777 (103);
Hutchins' (Joseph) Company, 1777 (104);
Hutchins' Company, 1780 (105);
Kelley's Regiment of Volunteers, 1777-78 (106);
Ladd's Command, 1782 (107);
Langdon's Company of Light Horse Volunteers, 1777-78 (108)M246-51 Littlefield's Company, 1775 (109);
Lovewell's Regiment, 1778-81 (110);
McClary's Regiment of Militia, 1777-81 (111);
McGlaughlin's Company, 1777 (112);
McIntyre's Company, 1775 (113);
Mellin's Company, 1777 (114);
Merrill's Company, 1775 (115);
Militia, 1777 (116);
Mooney's Regiment of Militia, 1779-80 (117);
Moore's Regiment, 1777 (118);
Morey's Regiment of Militia, 1777 (119);
Moulton's Regiment of Militia, 1777 (120);
Nichols' Regiment, 1777 (121);
Nichols' Regiment of Militia, 1778-80 (122);
Osborne's Company, 1775 (123);
Parker's Company, 1776 (124);
Parr's Company, 1775 (125);
Parsons' Company, 1775 (126);
Parsons' Company, 1781 (127);
Peabody's Company of Militia, 1777 (128);
Peabody's Regiment of State Troops, 1778-79 (129);
Perkins' Train of Artillery, 1775 (130);
Philibrick's Company, 1777 (131);
Piper's Company, 1780 (132);
Place's Company, 1775 (133);
Poor's Regiment, 1775 (134);
Rawlings' Company, 1775 (135);
© Don Troiani
Private, 1st New Hampshire Regiment, 1778M246-52 Reed's Regiment, 1775 (136);
Reynold's Regiment of Militia, 1781 (137);
Russell's Company of Rangers, 1776 (138);
Salter's Company of Artillery, 1775-83 (139);
Scott's Battalion, 1783 (140);
Scouts, 1779-82 (141);
Senter's Regiment, 1777-78 (142);
Sias' Company, 1777 (143);
Sias' Company, 1779 (144);
Simpson's Company of Rangers, 1776 (145);
Sloan's Company of Militia, 1777 (146);
Smith's Company, 1777 (147);
Smith's Company, 1781 (148);
Smith's Company of Rangers, 1782 (149);
Stark, General, and Staff, 1777 (150);
Stark's Regiment, 1775 (151);
Stearns' Independent Company, 1781 (152);
Stickney's Regiment of Militia, 1777 (153);
Tash's Regiment, 1776 (154);
Thornton's Company 1775 (155);
Towne's Company, 1775 (156);
Volunteers, 1777-78 (157);
Waldron's Company, 1775 (158);
Waldron's Regiment, 1776 (159)M246-53 Walker's Company, 1777 (160);
Webster's Company, 1776-77 (161);
Webster's Company of Rangers, 1782 (162);
Webster's Company, 1775 (163);
Webster's Regiment, 1777-82 (164);
Welch's Regiment, 1777 (165);
Whetcomb's Independent Companies of Rangers, 1776-81 (166);
Whipple's Brigade and Division, 1777-78 (167);
Wiggins' Company, 1775 (168);
Wingate's Regiment, 1776 (169);
Wingate's Regiment, 1778 (170);
Woodword's Company of Rangers, 1776 (171);
Wyman's Regiment, 1776 (172);
Yeaton's Company, 1775 (173);
Various Organizations, 1775-79 (174);
Various Organizations, Nos. 1- 169 (175-177);M246-54 Various Organizations, Nos. 170- 543 (178-183)
M246-55 1st Regiment, 1775-76 (1);
1st Regiment, 1777-83 (2-7)
© Don Troiani
Private, 3rd New Jersey Regiment, 1776M246-56 1st Regiment, 1777-83 (8-16) M246-57 1st Regiment, 1777-83 (17-19);
2d Battalion, 1775-76 (20);
2d Regiment, 1776-83 (21-22)M246-58 2d Regiment, 1776-83 (23-27) M246-59 2d Regiment, 1776-83 (28-33) M246-60 2d Regiment, 1776-83 (34);
3d Regiment, 1777-80 (35-38)M246-61 3d Regiment, 1777-80 (39-43) M246-62 3d Regiment, 1777-80 (44);
4th Regiment, 1777-80 (45-50)M246-63 4th Regiment, 1777-80 (51-53);
New Jersey Battalion or Regiment, 1776-77 (54);
New Jersey Regiment, 1783 (55);
New Jersey Battalion, 1783 (56);
1st Regiment, Bergen County Militia, 1777-78 (57);
1st Regiment, Essex County, 1777 (58);
1st Battalion of Monmouth, 1777-82 (59);
1st Battalion of Somerset, 1777-81 (60);
2d Battalion of Hunterdon, 1777 (61);
2d Battalion of Middlesex, 1777 (62);
2d Battalion of Somerset, 1777-80 (63);
3d Battalion of Gloucester, 1777 (64);
3d Battalion of Middlesex, 1781 (65);
Bonnel's Company of Levies, 1782 (66)M246-64 Crane's Troops of Horse, 1780 (67);
Eastern Battalion, Morris County, 1777- 78 (68);
Forman's Regiment of Militia, 1776 (69);
Forman's Regiment of Militia, 1778-80 (70);
(Hankinson's) Regiment of Militia, 1777-79 (71);
Holmes' Battalion of Militia, Salem County, 1778 (72);
Huddy's Company of State Troops, 1782 (73);
Lindsly's Company of Artificers, 1776 (74);
Light Horse Company (Elizabethtown), 1777 (75);
Martin's Regiment of Militia, 1776 (76);
Newcomb's Regiment of Foot, 1776 (77);
Nixon's Company of Horse, 1777 (78);
Outwater's Bergen County Company, 1779-81 (79);
Shreve's Battalion, Burlington Militia (80);
Randolph's Company, 1782 (81);
Philip's Regiment of Militia, 1777 (82);
Seely's Regiment of Militia, 1777-81 (83);
Squier's Company, 1777 (84);
Summer's Battalion of Militia, 1776 (85);
Thomas' Battalion of Essex Militia, 1776 (86);
Van Courtlandt's Battalion, 1776 (87);
Van Courtlandt's Battalion, Essex County, 1777-80 (88);
Walton's Company of Light Dragoon, 1780-82 (89);
Woolverton's Company, 1776 (90);
Various Organizations (91)
© Don Troiani
Private, 2nd New Jersey Regiment, 1776
M246-65 1st Regiment, 1776 (1);
1st Regiment, 1776 (2);
1st Regiment, 1777-83 (3-9)
© Don Troiani
Private, 4th New York Battalion, 1775M246-66 1st Regiment, 1777-83 (10-18) M246-67 2d Regiment, 1775 (19);
2d Regiment, 1776 (20);
2d Regiment, (October 1776) (21);
2d Regiment, 1777-83 (22-26)M246-68 2d Regiment, 1777-83 (27-30) M246-69 2d Regiment, 1777-83 (31-37);
3d Regiment, 1775 (38);
3d Regiment, 1776 (39);
3d Regiment, 1776-80 (40-41)M246-70 3d Regiment, 1776-80 (42-49);
4th Regiment, 1775 (50);
4th Regiment, 1777-80 (51-54)M246-71 4th Regiment, 1777-80 (55-61);
5th Regiment, 1777-80 (62-65)M246-72 5th Regiment, 1777-80 (66-71);
1st Battalion Grenadiers and Light Infantry, 1776 (72);
1st Regiment of Levies, 1780-81 (73);
2d Regiment of Levies, 1776 (74);
3d Regiment of Levies, 1780-83 (75);
Allison's Regiment of Militia, 1775-78 (76);
Baldwin's Company of Rangers, 1777 (77);
Bellinger's Regiment of Militia, 1778 (78);
Benedict's Regiment of Militia, 1780-81 (79);
Bowers' Company, Albany County, 1777 (80);
Bradt's Company of Rangers and Militia, 1776-80 (81)M246-73 Brinckerhoff's Regiment of Militia, 1777 (82);
Budd's Regiment of Militia, 1776 (83);
Campbell's Battalion (or Regiment) of Militia, 1776-82 (84);
Cannon's Detachment of Recruits, 1781- 82 (85);
Cantine's Regiment of Militia Levies, 1778-79 (86);
Church's Regiment of Militia (87);
Clark's Company of State Troops (Ulster County), 1776 (88);
Clyde's Regiment of Militia, 1779-83 (89);
Cooper's Company of Rangers, 1777-78 (90);
Cooper's Regiment (91);
Crane's Regiment of Militia, 1779-81 (92);
Cuyler's Regiment of Militia, 1781-83 (93);
Drake's Regiment of Militia, 1776 (94);
Drake's Regiment of Militia, 1775-81 (95);
DuBois' Regiment of Levies, 1780 (96);
Elmendorph's Company of Militia, 1777 (97);
Field's Regiment of Militia, 1777-80 (98);
Fish's Regiment of Militia, 1777 (99)
© Don Troiani
Private, 4th New York Regiment, 1777M246-74 Fisher's Regiment of Militia, 1775-81 (100);
Fondey's Party of Militia, 1780 (101);
Freer's Regiment of Militia, 1777-79 (102);
Gettman's Company of Rangers, 1776 (103);
Golden's Company of Militia, 1776 (104);
Graham's Company of State Troops (Ulster County), 1776 (105);
Graham's Regiment of Militia, 1777-79 (106);
Guards, Militia, 1777-78 (107);
Hamman's Regiment of Militia, 1777-82 (108);
Hardenburgh's Company of State Troops, 1776 (109);
Hardenburgh's Regiment of Militia, 1776 (110) (111);
Harper's Regiment of Militia, 1779 (112);
Hasbrouck's Regiment of Militia, 1777 (113);
Hathorn's Regiment of Militia, 1777-81 (114);
Hay's Regiment of Militia, 1778-80 (115);
Hopkins' Regiment of Militia, 1779 (116)M246-75 Horton's Company of Guards (Westchester County), 1777-78 (117);
Humphrey's Regiment of Militia, 1776 (118);
Humphrey's Regiment of Militia, 1777 (119);
Jansen's Regiment of Militia, 1779-82 (120);
Klock's Regiment of Militia, 1779-83 (121);
Lamb's Company of Artillery, 1775-76 (122);
Lansing's Detachment of Militia, 1777 (123);
Livingston's Regiment of Militia, 1777- 81 (124);
Ludington's Regiment of Militia, 1777-80 (125);
McClaughrey's Regiment of (Ulster County) Militia, 1776-81 (126);
McCrea's Regiment of Levies, 1779 (127);
Mills' Detachment of Horse, 1777 (128);
Mills' Company of Guards, 1777-78 (129);
Myrick's Company of Rangers, 1776-77 (130);
Nicholson's Regiment, 1776 (131);
Nicoll's Regiment of Levies, 1776 (132);
Palmer's Regiment of Militia, 1776 (133);
Pawling's Regiment of Levies and Militia, 1779-81 (134);
Pawling's Regiment of Militia, 1776-77 (135)M246-76 Platt's Regiment of Associated Exempts, 1779 (136);
Quackenbos' Regiment of Militia, 1779- 80 (137);
Reiley's Company of Rangers, 1778 (138);
Rudd's Detachment of Militia, 1776 (139);
Sacket's Company or Regiment of Various Westchester County Regiments (140);
Schuyler's Regiment of Militia, 1781-82 (141);
Schuyler's Regiment of Albany County Militia, 1777 (142);
Snyder's Regiment of Militia, 1778-82 (143);
Stevenson's Company of Guards (Westchester County), 1777 (144);
Strait's Detachment of Militia, 1776 (145);
Swartwout's Regiment of Militia, 1776 (146);
Swartwout's Regiment of Associated Exempts, 1777 (147);
Thomas' Battalion or Regiment of Militia, 1776-79 (148);
Van Alstyne's Regiment of Militia, 1777- 81 (149);
Van Bergen's Regiment of Albany County Militia, 1777-80 (150);
Van Brunt's Regiment of Militia, 1776 (151);
Van Cortlandt's Regiment of Militia, 1777 (152);
Vandenbergh's Regiment of Militia, 1777 (153);
Vandenbergh's Regiment of Militia, 1779 (154);
Van Denburgh's Regiment of Militia, 1778 (155);
Van Gaasbeck's Company of Albany County Militia, 1776 (156);
Van Ness' Regiment of (Dutchess County) Minute Men, 1776 (157);
Van Ness' Regiment Albany Co. of Militia (158);
Van Rensselaer's Regiment, 1780-81 (159)
© Don Troiani
Sergeant, Light Infantry, New York-New Jersey Line, 1782M246-77 Van Rensselaer's Regiment of Militia (160);
Van Rensselaer's Regiment of Militia (4th Regiment), 1776-81 (161);
Van Rensselaer's Regiment of Militia, 1779 (162);
Van Schaick's Battalion, 1776 (163);
Van Schoonhoven's Regiment of Militia, 1778-82 (164);
Van Veghten's Regiment of Militia (165);
Van Woert's Regiment of Militia, 1779-80 (166);
Vrooman's Regiment of Militia, 1779-83 (167);
Webster's Regiment of Militia, 1780-82 (168);
Weissenfels' Regiment of Levies, 1781-82 (169);
Wemple's Regiment of Militia, 1780 (170);
Wheelock's Command, 1777 (171);
Whiting's Regiment of Militia, 1777-81 (172)M246-78 Willett's Regiment of Levies, 1781-83 (173);
Williams' Regiment of Militia, 1778-81 (174);
Winn's Company of Rangers, 1776 (175);
Woodhull's Regiment, 1776 (176);
Wood's Company of Exempts (Orange County), 1778-79 (177);
Wood's Hired Guards, 1779 (178);
Wynkoop's Regiment, 1776 [ed. note: 4th New York Regt] (179);
Yate's Regiment of Militia, 1779-80 (180);
Various Organizations (181)
M246-80 1st Regiment, 1775 (1);
1st Battalion, 1775 (2);
1st Regiment Continental, 1776 (3);
1st Regiment, 1777-80 (4);
2d Regiment, 1777-79 (5-14)
© Don Troiani
Private, 1st Pennsylvania Battalion, 1776-77M246-81 2d Regiment, 1777-79 (15-16);
3d Regiment, 1776 (17);
3d Regiment (Line), 1776 (18);
4th Regiment, 1776-77 (19);
4th Regiment (Line), 1777 (20);
5th Regiment, 1776 (21);
5th Regiment, 1776-80 (22-23)M246-82 5th Regiment, 1776-80 (24-31);
6th Regiment, 1776 (32);
6th Regiment, 1776-78 (33)M246-83 7th Regiment, 1777 (34);
8th Regiment, 1778 (35);
9th Regiment, 1777-78 (36)M246-84 10th Regiment (37);
11th Regiment, 1777-78 (38);
11th Regiment, 1779-80 (39);
12th Regiment, 1776-78 (40);
13th Regiment, 1777 (41);1st Regiment Flying Camp, 1776 (42);
1st Battalion (or Regiment) Flying Camp, 1776 (43);
1st Battalion of Bedford County Militia, 1777 (44);
1st Battalion of Chester County Militia, 1776-77 (45);
1st Battalion of Cumberland County Militia, 1776-77 (46);
1st Regiment Flying Camp of Lancaster County, 1776 (47);
1st Battalion of Philadelphia County Militia, 1776 (48);
1st Battalion of Riflemen, Philadel-phia County Militia, 1776 (49);
1st Battalion of Westmoreland County Militia, 1777 (50);
2d Regiment Flying Camp, 1776 (51);
2d Battalion of Cumberland County Militia, 1776 (52);
2d Battalion of Cumberland County Militia, 1777 (53);
2d Battalion of Riflemen, Lancaster County, 1776-77 (54);
2d Battalion of Westmoreland County Militia, 1777 (55);
3d Battalion of Chester County Militia, 1776-77 (56);
3d Battalion of Cumberland County Militia, 1776 (57);
3d Battalion of Lancaster County Militia, 1776 (58);
3d Battalion of Northumberland County Militia, 1779 (59);
4th Battalion of Chester County Militia, 1776 (60);
4th Battalion of Philadelphia County Militia, 1776 (61);
5th Battalion of Chester County Militia, 1776 (62);
5th Battalion of Cumberland County Militia, 1776 (63);
5th Battalion of Philadelphia County Militia, 1776 (64);
5th Battalion of York County Militia, 1777 (65);
Andrews' Battalion of York County Militia, 1777-78 (66);
Atlee's Musket Battalion, 1777 (67);
Baxter's Battalion Flying Camp, 1776 (68);
Barr's Detachment of Westmoreland County Militia, 1778 (69);
Clugage's Battalion, 1778 (70);
Burd's Battalion, 1776 (71);
Clotz' Battalion Flying Camp, Lancaster County, 1776 (72);
Duncan's Company of Volunteers (Pittsburgh), 1778 (73);
Enslow's Company of Bedford County Militia, 1782-83 (74);
Ferreis' Battalion of Militia (Lancaster County), 1776 (75);
Graff's Company, 1776 (76);
Hall's Company, 1781 (77);
Haller's Battalion Flying Camp, 1776 (78);
Hart's Battalion of Bucks County Militia, 1776 (79);
Matlock's Rifle Battalion, 1777 (80);
Miles' Rifle Regiment, 1776 (81);
Lochny's Battalion (81-1);
Moorhead's Independent Company, 1777-79 (82);
Ott's Company of Washington County Militia (83);
Philadelphia Light Horse Troop, 1780 (84);
Rankin's Regiment (or Battalion) of York County Militia, 1777 (85);
Reed's Volunteer, 1780-81 (86);
Schott's Corps (Independent), 1778 (87);
Shaver's Company of Volunteers, 1777 (88);
Steel's Independent Company, 1777 (89);
Swope's Regiment Flying Camp, 1776-80 (90);
Van Etten's Company of Northhampton County, 1780-81 (91);
Watt's Regiment Flying Camp, 1776 (92);
Various Organizations (93)
© Don Troiani
Private, Pennsylvania State Regiment, 1777
M246-85 1st Regiment, 1777-80 (1-11);
2d Regiment, 1777-80 (12)
© Don Troiani
Private, the Rhode Island Regiment, 1781M246-86 2d Regiment, 1777-80 (13-20) M246-87 2d Regiment, 1777-80 (21-22);
Rhode Island Regiment, 1781-83 (23-32);
Rhode Island Detachment, Jun-Dec, 1783 (33);
2d Battalion Providence County Militia, 1781 (34);
15th Regiment Militia, 1775 (35);
Allen's Company of Militia, 1780-81 (36);
Arnold's Regiment of Pawtuxet Rangers, 1776-82 (37);
Babcock's Regiment of Militia, 1776-77 (38);
Barrington Guards, 1778 (39);
Barton's Light Corps, 1779 (40);
Bowen's Regiment of Militia, 1778 (41);
Burlingame's Company of Militia, 1778-79 (42);
Cook's Regiment of Militia, 1777 (43);
Cook's Regiment (44)M246-88 Crary's Regiment, 1777-79 (45);
Elliott's Regiment of Artillery, 1776- 78 (46);
Kimball's Regiment of Militia, 1781 (47);
Lippitt's Regiment, 1776 (48);
Mathewson's Regiment, 1778 (49);
Miller's Regiment of Militia, 1778 (50);
Noyes' Regiment of Militia, 1777-78 (51);
Olney's Regiment of Militia, 1781 (52);
Peck's Regiment, 1780-81 (53);
Potter's Regiment of Militia, 1781 (54);
Sprague's 3d Company of Militia (Smithfield), 1778 (55);
Thurston's 2d Company of Militia (Hopkinton) (56);
Tillinghast's Regiment, 1781 (57);
Topham's Regiment and Battalion, 1778-80 (58);
Trusk's Company of Smithfield, 1778-79 (59);
Warren Guards, 1778 (60);
Waterman's Company, 1775-76 (61);
Waterman's Regiment, 1776-77 (62);
Whipple's Company of Cumberland Militia (63);
Wilbur's Company, 1777 (64);
Williams' 2d Company (Cranston), 1780 (65);
Various Organizations (66)
M246-89 1st Regiment, 1779-80 (1);
2d Regiment, 1779 (2);
3d Regiment, 1777-81 (3);
6th Regiment (Continental), 1779- 80 (4);
Hampton's Regiment of Light Dragoons, 1781-82 (5);
Continental Regiment of Artillery, 1779-81 (6-7);
Companies of Continental Troops, 1783 (8);
Butler's Company of Militia, 1781- 82 (9);
Casey's Regiment, 1782 (10);
Richardson's Command, 1775 (11);
Various Organizations (12)
© Don Troiani
Rifleman, 5th South Carolina Regiment, 1776
M246-90 6th Regiment of Militia, 1780-81 (1);
7th Regiment of Militia, 1782 (2);
Abbott's Regiment of Militia, 1781 (3);
Alger's Company, 1777 (4);
Allen's Detachment, 1779-81 (5);
Allen's Regiment, 1780-81 (6);
Allen's Regiment, 1778-83 (7);
Allen's Company of Volunteers, 1780 (8);
Andrews' Company, 1782 (9);
Bailley's Company, 1782 (10);
Bates' Alarm Company, 1781 (11);
Bentley's Command, 1778 (12);
Blanchard's Company, 1781 (13);
Bradley's Regiment, 1782-84 (14);
Bramble's Company, 1781 (15);
Briggs' Company of Militia, 1778 (16);
Briggs' Company of Militia, 1782 (17);
Brownson's Company, 1776 (18);
Brownson's Detachment, 1776 (19);
Brownson's Battalion, 1782 (20);
Burke's and Gilson's Companies, 1781 (21);
Calkins' Company of Militia, 1781 (22);
Chittenden's Life Guards, 1781 (23);
Clark's Company of Militia, 1778-80 (24);
Coffeen's Company, 1781 (25);
Colbe's Company, 1777-81 (26);
Cottle's Company, 1780-81 (27);
Cushman's Company, 1780-81 (28);
Day's Command, 1780 (29);
Dimmick's Company, 1779 (30);
Douty's Regiment, 1781 (31);
Durkee's Company of Militia, 1780-81 (32);
Enos' Brigade, 1781 (33);
Everest's Company of Rangers, 1780 (34);
Fassett's Independent Company, 1776-77 (35);
Fletcher's Regiment, 1779-81 (36);
Gilbert's Company, 1780 (37);
Green's Company of Rangers, 1781-82 (38);
Guards, 1778 (39);
Guards (Lt. Joseph Wickwire), 1781 (40);
Guards (Sgt. Matthew Scott), 1781 (41);
Guards, 1782 (42);
Hall's Corps of Rangers, 1780 (43);
Hawkins' Company of Minute Men, 1780 (44);
Herrick's Regiment, 1778-81 (45);
Hickok's Company, 1776 (46);
Hoar's Company of Militia, 1780 (47);
Hodge's Company, 1780 (48);
Hoisington's Command of Rangers, 1776 (49);
Holmes' Company, 1780-81 (50);
Hunkins' Command of Militia, 1781 (51);
Hutchins' Independent Company, 1781 (52);
Lee's Regiment, 1781-82 (53);
Lyon's Company, 1777 (54);
Lyons' Regiment, 1781 (55);
MacClure's Company, 1781 (56);
Marsh's Party, 1777 (57);
Marsh's Regiment, 1778-81 (58);
Marsh's Regiment, 1777 (59);
Marston's Company, 1780-81 (60);
Mattison's Company, 1781 (61);
Mattison's Company of Militia, 1782 (62);
Mead's Regiment of Militia, 1777 (63);
Mirrick's Company, 1782 (64);
Moseley's Company, 1781 (65);
Nelson's Company, 1781 (66);
© Don Troiani
Private, American Militia, 1775-83M246-91 Olcott's Regiment, 1777-81 (67);
Parkhurst's Company, 1781 (68);
Parkhurst's Company, 1780 (69);
Partridge's Command, 1781 (70);
Post's Company, 1780 (71);
Robinson's Company of Militia, 1780-81 (72);
Robinson's Regiment of Militia, 1776-77 (73);
Rubach's Garrison at Fort Ranger, 1778- 79 (74);
Safford's Company, 1778 (75);
Salsbury's Company, 1777-81 (76);
Sampson's Company, 1780 (77);
Sawyer's Company, 1780 (78);
Sergeant's Regiment (7th), 1782 (79);
Scouts (Capt. Steel Smith), 1778 (80);
Scouts (Lt. Asahel Smith), 1780 (81);
Scouts (Lt. Hezekiah Silavay), 1780 (82);
Scouts (Capt. Jacob Hall), 1781 (83);
Scouts (Lt. Nathan Howland), 1780 (84);
Scouts (Capt. John Sloan), 1777 (85);
Scouts, Detachment of (Lt. Elijah Beenam), 1781 (86);
Scouts (Capt. Phineas Williams), 1777 (87);
Scouts (Maj. John Barron, Capt. Ebenezer Martin), 1776-81 (88);
Scouts, 1777 (89);
Smith's Command or Company, 1777-78 (90);
Smith's Company, 1780-81 (91);
Soper's Company, 1778 (92);
Spooner's Company, 1781 (93);
Sprague's Company, 1781 (94);
Starr's Company, 1780 (95);
Tyler's Company, 1780 (96);
Upham's Company, 1780 (97);
Wait's Battalion, 1780-81 (98);
Walbridge's Regiment, 1780-82 (99);
Wallace's Detachment, 1780 (100);
Wallis' Company, 1782 (101);
Warner's Regiment (102);
Weld's Company of Militia, 1780 (103);
White's Company of Militia, 1781 (104);
Williams' Regiment, 1777 (105);
Wolcott's Company, 1780 (106);
Wood's Regiment, 1780-81 (107);
Worrin's Regiment, 1778-82 (108);
Various Organizations (Revolutionary War) (109);
Brownson's Company, 1782 (110);
Chaffee's Company, 1782 (111);
Gaige's Company, 1779 (112);
How's Company, 1782 (113);
Moss' Party, 1779 (114);
Party to Assist Sheriff, 1782 (115);
Roberts' Party, 1779 (116);
Smith's Party, 1779 (117);
Wallis' Party, 1779 (118);
Various Organizations to Assist Sheriff (119);
© Don Troiani
Private, American Militia, 1777
M246-92 1st Regiment, 1777-79 (1-14)
© Don Troiani
Private, 6th Virginia Regiment, 1776M246-93 1st Regiment, 1777-79 (15-18);
1st State Regiment, 1777-80 (19-22)M246-94 1st State Regiment, 1777-80 (23-30) M246-95 1st and 10th Regiment (Consolidated), 1779 (31-39);
2d Brigade, 1780 (40-42);
2d Regiment, 1777-80 (43-47)M246-96 2d Regiment, 1777-80 (48-54);
2d State Regiment, 1778-79 (55-61)M246-97 2d State Regiment, 1778-79 (62-63);
3d Brigade, 1778 (64);
3d Regiment, 1776 (65);
3d Regiment, 1776-78 (66-73)M246-98 3d Regiment, 1776-78 (74-76);
3d Regiment, 1778-79 (77-86);
3d and 7th Regiment (Consolidated), 1778 (87-96)M246-99 3d and 4th Regiment (Consolidated), 1779 (97-105);
4th Regiment, 1777-78 (106-111)M246-100 4th Regiment, 1777-78 (112-117);
4th Regiment, 1778-79 (118-121);
4th, 8th, and 12th Regiment (Consolidated), 1778 (122-131)M246-101 5th Regiment, 1776-78 (132-142);
5th Regiment, 1778-79 (143-144)M246-102 5th Regiment, 1778-79 (145-147);
5th and 9th Regiment (Consolidated), 1778 (148-155);
5th and 11th Regiment (Consolidated), 1779 (156-164)M246-103 6th Regiment, 1776-78 (165-177);
6th Regiment, 1778-79 (178-180)M246-104 6th Regiment, 1778-79 (181-187);
7th Regiment, 1776-78 (188-193)
© Don Troiani
Private, Morgan's Rifle Corps, 1777M246-105 7th Regiment, 1776-78 (194-198);
7th Regiment, 1778-79 (199-203);
7th Regiment, 1780-83 (204- 206)M246-106 7th Regiment, 1780-83 (207);
8th Regiment, 1776-78 (208-219);
8th Regiment, 1778-79 (220- 224)M246-107 8th Regiment, 1778-79 (225-231);
9th Regiment, 1776-78 (232-242)M246-108 9th Regiment, 1778-79 (243-252);
10th Regiment, 1777-78 (253-263);
10th Regiment, 1778-79 (264-265)M246-109 10th Regiment, 1778-79 (266-272);
11th Regiment, 1776-78 (273-281)M246-110 11th Regiment, 1776-78 (282);
11th Regiment, 1778-79 (283-288);
11th and 15th Regiment (Consolidated), 1778 (289-297);
12th Regiment, 1778-78 (298-301)M246-111 12th Regiment, 1778-78 (302-307);
13th Regiment, 1777-78 (308-315)M246-112 14th Regiment, 1777-78 (316-326) M246-113 14th Regiment, 1777-78 (327);
15th Regiment, 1777-78 (328-337);
Battalion of Various Virginia Regiments, 1782-83 (338);
Illinois Regiment of Virginia Volunteers, 1783-84 (339-340)M246-114 Western Battalion, 1781-82 (341);
Pendleton's Regiment of Militia, 1777 (342);
Taylor's Regiment of Militia (Albemarle County), 1779 (343);
Watkins' Troop of Dragoons, Militia, 1781 (344);
Smith's Company of Infantry (Serving With 3d Regiment Continental Cavalry), 1782 (345);
Virginia Artillery, Southern Expedition, 1780 (346);
(Henry) Heth's Independent Company at Fort Pitt, 1777-78 (347);
James O'Harra's Independent Company at Fort Pitt, 1777-78 (348);
Buck's Company of Dunmore Volunteers, 1777 (349);
Frederick County Militia, 1777 (350);
Monongalia County Militia, 1777 (351);
Company or Detachment of Militia at Redstone, 1778 (352);
Ford's Company of Militia, 1777 (353);
Company of Virginia Militia, Fort Liberty, 1776-77 (354);
Detachment of 5th and Other Regiments, 1778 (355);
Frederick County Company of Militia, 1777 (356);
(Parsons') Company of Militia, 1777 (357);
(Rader's) Company of Militia, 1777 (358);
Detachment of Yohoghany County Militia (359);
(Scott's) Company of Militia, 1777 (360);
Scott's (James) Company of Militia, (361);
Detachment of Militia, Botetourt County, 1777 (362);
Detachment of Virginia Troops, 1778 (363);
Various Organizations (364)
© Don Troiani
Private, 5th Virginia Regiment, 1778-79
M246-115 1st Regiment Light Dragoons, 1777-83 (1-11);
2d Regiment Light Dragoons, 1776-83 (12);
3d Regiment Light Dragoons, 1779 (13);
4th Regiment Light Dragoons, 1778 (14);
Lee’s Legion (15);
Armand’s Independent Corps of Light Dragoons, 1778-79 (16)
© Don Troiani
Matross, Steven's Independent Battalion of Artillery, 1777M246-116 Von Heer’s Independent Troop of Light Dragoons (17);
Pulaski’s Legion, 1779-80 (18);
Gridley’s and Knox’s Regiment of Artillery, 1776 (19);
1st Regiment of Artillery, 1777-83 (20-25)M246-117 1st Regiment of Artillery, 1777-83 (26-36);
2d Regiment of Artillery, 1777-83 (37)M246-118 2d Regiment of Artillery, 1777-83 (38-42) M246-119 2d Regiment of Artillery, 1777-83 (43-46) M246-120 2d Regiment of Artillery, 1777-83 (47-50);
3d Regiment of Artillery, 1777-79 (51- 57);
4th Regiment of Artillery, 1777-83 (58)M246-121 Corps of Artillery, 1777-78 (59-65);
Clark’s Company of Artillery, 1777-79 (66);
Jones’ Company of Artillery, 1777-78 (67);
Randall’s Company of Artillery, 1777-79 (68);
Artillery and Artificers, Commissary General of Military Stores Department, 1777- 81 (69);
Corps of Artificers, 1777-80 (70);
Baldwin’s Regiment of Artificers, 1781 (71);
Patten’s Company of Artillery Artificers, 1782 (72);
Post’s Company of Artificers, 1777-78 (73)M246-122 Independent Companies of Artificers, 1777-78 (74);
Artificers, etc., Employed by General Clinton at Forts Clinton and Montgomery (75);
Corps of Engineers, 1782 (76);
Corps of Sappers and Miners, 1780-83 (77);
Bateaumen, Quartermaster General’s Department, 1778-80 (78);
3d Regiment, 1776 (79);
4th Regiment, 1776 (80);
5th Regiment, 1776 (81);
6th Regiment, 1776 (82);
7th Regiment, 1776 (83);
8th Regiment, 1776 (84);
9th Regiment, 1776 (85);
10th Regiment, 1776 (86);
11th Regiment, 1776 (87);
12th Regiment, 1776 (88);
13th Regiment, 1776 (89);
14th Regiment, 1776 (90);
15th Regiment, 1776 (91);
16th Regiment, 1776 (92);
17th Regiment, 1776 (93);
18th Regiment, 1776 (94);
19th Regiment, 1776 (95);
20th Regiment, 1776 (96);
21st Regiment, 1776 (97);
22d Regiment, 1776 (98);
23d Regiment, 1776 (99)
© Don Troiani
Grenadier, Baldwin's 26th (MA) Continental Regiment, 1776M246-123 24th Regiment, 1776 (100);
25th Regiment, 1776 (101);
26th Regiment, 1776 (102);
27th Regiment, 1776 (103);
Forman’s Regiment, 1777-79 (104-108);
Gist’s Regiment, 1777-79 (109-118)M246-124 Grayson’s Regiment, 1777-79 (119-125)
© Don Troiani
Sergeant, Hartley's Additional Regiment, 1777M246-125 Grayson’s Regiment, 1777-79 (126-128);
Hartley’s Regiment, 1777 (129);
Henley’s Regiment, 1778 (130);
Lee’s Regiment, 1777-79 (131);
Malcolm’s Regiment, 1777-79 (132-138)M246-126 Malcolm’s Regiment, 1777-79 (139-144);
Patton’s Regiment, 1777-79 (145-152);
Rawling’s Regiment, 1776-79 (153)M246-127 Sherburne’s Regiment, 1777- 79 (154-160);
Spencer’s Regiment, 1777-80 (161)M246-128 Spencer’s Regiment, 1777-80 (162-170) M246-129 Spencer’s Regiment, 1777-80 (171-178);
Thruston’s Regiment, 1778 (179);
Brown’s Detachment of New Hampshire, Massachusetts, and Vermont Militia, 1775-76 (180);
Canadian Volunteers, 1775 (181);
Commander in Chief’s Guard, 1777-83 (182);
Delaware Indians, 1780-81 (183)M246-130 German Regiment (or Battalion), 1777-80 (184-190) M246-131 German Regiment (or Battalion), 1777-80 (191-193);
Hazen’s Regiment, 1778-79 (194-207)M246-132 German Regiment (or Battalion), 1777-80 (208-213);
Invalid Corps, 1780-81 (214);
Lee’s Independent Company, 1776 (215);
Livingston’s Regiment, 1777- 80 (216-218)M246-133 Livingston’s Regiment, 1777- 80 (219-225);
Morgan’s Rifle Regiment, 1777-79 (226);
Perry’s Independent Company, 1776 (227);
Steele’s Detachment, Virginia and North Carolina, 1778 (228);
Sullivan’s Life Guard, 1779 (229)M246-134 Warner’s Battalion or Regi-ment, 1777-79 (230);
Various Organizations (231)
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