"Oh, Ungrateful Beyond Conception,
This the Reward of Your Country’s Guardians."

The Verplanck's Point and New Windsor Cantonment
Diary of Private Thomas Foster, 7th Massachusetts Regiment

© 2008 by Bob McDonald.

Journal begun May 1782

May 1st to 9th
We have good weather and a fine prospect of a fruitful season.

May 10th
We have very agreeable news that there is a great change of members of Parliament in favor of America by reason of leaving out our most wicked enemies.

It is reported that independence is declared and measures are adopted for settling a peace with America. This day a flag arrived from New York the contents unknown. All the cry is that it is for peace. Many very favorable appearances are plainly to be seen.

12th Sabbath Day
A very clear and pleasant day. A plenty of news which tends to notify us that peace is right at hand. No wages as yet paid us which keeps us down very low in spirits. Robert Sprout died about the 10th of April 1782 very suddenly at a place called New Boston near Colonel Robinson’s farm.

This day a young man was hanged that belonged to Connecticut. His crime was raising a mutiny. His name was Galter [i.e., Gaylord]. His father and some of his relations came to see him but did not arrive to the [West] Point till about an [hour?] after his execution.

Monday 13th 1782
This day at evening came up a thunderstorm which continued all night very tempestuous and it thundered all the next day with a plentiful rain. Such lightning I never saw before. It was a continual flash although the claps of thunder were not so hard as I have heard.

15th of May
Which is my birthday, which makes me 49 years of age as I was born May 4th 1733. This day all well and no news. Yesterday we had one man die in our company named Hunneford. No news remarkable.

16th, 17th
Cloudy and cold stormy weather nothing like the month of May.

A clear pleasant day. All well. This day we were inspected. Favorable accounts from New York.

19th a Sabbath Day
Clear and pleasant day. We hear that 2 barns were burnt in the before mentioned tempest. One was Colonel Drake’s at Peekskill. Things wear a very peaceable aspect.

Monday May 20th 1782
I went to New Windsor on public business and returned the same day.

21st Tuesday
A pleasant day. No news. All well.

22nd Wednesday
Cloudy and rain in plenty. A fine season.

23rd May Thursday
A clear cold day the wind at northwest.

Clear and pleasant weather and all well. This day I was sent to General Heath’s with a return of Mr. Cook’s.

A clear morning, Sabbath Day. All well and in good health. It is as fine a growing season as ever I knew. Everything seems to look pleasant.

Showers attended with violent gales of wind.

A pleasant day. This day our brigade moved to the [West] Point.

Nothing new.


We had a grand rejoicing on the birth of a young dauphin. A bower was built which would have cost as much as any meeting house in the state. A grand entertainment was made as ever was made in America and was graced by His Excellency General Washington at the head of the bower. Fired on the occasion 173 cannon. The whole army was paraded and fired 3 rounds at 7 o’clock which made a grand show and after that was the display of the fireworks which lasted till 12 o’clock and to end all was a sup of coffee when the illumination was put out and 3 cannon fired. Such a grand scene I never saw before and it was all for one little French pickaninny, a Roman Catholic. Oh strange this from what our forefathers fled from. Would they have done the like? No, by no means. We may now see what we have degenerated to and what I fear we are coming to, which behooves us to be on a strict watch and guard. The day was a fine cold day and pleasant, all things done orderly without any hurt as to the lives of any and not any drunk, but all merry.

Saturday first day June
Warm and pleasant.

Sabbath Day June 2nd
A hot day. All well.

Monday June 3rd
Nothing remarkable.

Tuesday 4th and Wednesday 5th
Hot and no news.

Thursday June the 6th 82
Was an inspection of the 1st Massachusetts Brigade.

Friday 7th
Was a field day and each man was furnished with 10 blank cartridges to fire in the maneuvers of the day and the train [of artillery] in like manner.

Saturday June 8th
The 2nd Massachusetts Brigade mustered.

The 9th Sabbath Day
The day began with firing 13 cannon and then small arms till they had discharged 10 rounds which ended about 11 o’clock.

11th Tuesday
A fine day after a plenty of rain that fell last night. We have a bad piece of news from General Greene’s army of it being sold by the sergeants but happily it was found out and the miserable wretches hanged without any hesitation for their treasonable villainy which is but their just deserts.

Wednesday June 12th 1782
Firing and frolicking, a steady sound of cannon and small arms.

13th and 14th
Fine weather and no news.

Drew provisions for four days. This day about 40 cow thieves were exchanged for our prisoners that were in New York.

Sabbath Day June 16th 82
Hot day.

Monday 17th, Tuesday 18th and Wednesday 19th
Very hot and very hard thunder this day.

Thursday 20th
Very hot and some rain. This day our captives came in from New York that were taken last fall. They tell us that the regulars are about to leave New York.

Friday June 21st
A very hot day. This day we had an account of a melancholy affair happening in the bay state [i.e. Massachusetts] by reason of a mob which collected to put a stop to the procedure of the courts of justice. Good may come out of evil but then we ought to be very careful not to do evil that good may come.

Saturday June 22nd
A fine cold morning after a very warm night attended with an innumerable number of mosquitoes.

July 4th 82
This a fine clear and cold day which was also a holiday for us in this place. It was for independence. The fue de joie began with the firing of thirteen cannon then a running fire of the small arms then 13 cannon then the small arms then 1 cannon as signal for the last running fire of small arms with 3 huzzahs. In the evening the fireworks were displayed of diverse kinds. This year seems wholly devoted to frolicking with the army as it is very peaceable here. From the above date to the 13th nothing turned up remarkable. Fine cold weather for the season but dry.

Sabbath Day July 14th to Thursday 18th
Clear and cold for the season. No news, only we hear that the refugees at the Clove are daily killing and robbing the inhabitants there.

Sabbath Day July 28th 82
A clear and pleasant day. This day I sent a letter home to my family by Lieutenant Bagnal and one to Sergeant Perkins, and all of us are well and hearty.

August 1st 82
At West Point a fine rain and cleared up with warm sunshine.

Saturday August the 3rd
A warm clear day. At evening the wind shifted and came to the northward with a thunder gust. Very sharp lightning to the north and east of us.

Sabbath Day 4th August 82
It was a clear cold morning and day here and felt and looked more like October than August.

Monday 5th August
A clear cold morning and the night past almost cold enough for a frost. No news but to be in readiness for a march but to where is to us uncertain. Our troops are in good health and spirits considering the pay they get. There is some desert and one would think more would than does. But they show themselves full proof that they are heartily engaged for their country’s good by being willing to suffer and undergo all hard usage and fatigue for the sake thereof. Many would, I make no doubt, have never engaged had they known that while they were suffering by hard fatigue of every kind to save a distressed people, that same people all the time were taking and using every measure to ruin themselves and cheat the army that was fighting for them, this too evident to be denied.

Tuesday August 6th 1782 to Tuesday August 13th
Nothing remarkable. I sent a letter to father Foster this day by Sergeant Fuller and this day Sergeant Simmons and Sergeant Wist got a pass to cross the river over to the 3rd Brigade and do not yet return as expected. All talk of peace near at hand and some believe it.

Sabbath Day August 18th 1782
This day clear and pleasant. The week past news of a peace has been very frequent amongst the soldiers and the officers seem to believe it to be true. It is a very healthy time now here and we have plenty of all kind of provisions and sauce brought here to market, but not so plenty as the army has no money to purchase with, their not being paid any wages since last summer. The weather the week past has been very cold for the most part of the week but the other part warm and showery. We have had a very severe drought the month past. It was so severe up the river that the corn entirely dried up so that they cut it up for fodder and many other things entirely cut off.

Monday August 19th 1782
Rainy and warm. This day we had it read in orders that peace was on the verge of being concluded on, which is joyful news to us who have been kept in the service for 6 or 7 years.

Rainy and warm. The talk is kept up of peace and that the Massachusetts Line are about to choose a committee to go to Boston to see that we get the whole that is allowed the during the war men. This we like well of our officers to see them interest themselves in the affair to prevent the state from doing us injustice which they have heretofore been addicted to.

22nd August
Clear and pleasant. This day our light infantry marched for Peekskill and we expect to march in a few days as we had orders to be ready at an hour’s notice. Last night plenty of rain and some thunder. All well this day. Nothing special today as yet 12 o’clock.

Sabbath Day August 26th 1782
This day I am very poorly with the colic and unable to sit up for the bigger part of the day.

Wednesday August 28th 82
This day I heard from Marshfield [Mass.] that Deacon Thomas was dead and died June 82. This day clear and cold and we expect to march tomorrow.

Thursday August 29th 82
Last night very cold for the season and almost a frost, the day clear and pleasant. We are at West Point yet and all well and hearty for poor soldiers.

Movement 1782
The army that laid at West Point and the Highlands marched to Verplanck’s Point Saturday August 31st and Sabbath day September the 1st 82. I marched by water to Verplanck’s Point near Kings Ferry where the army had a fine encampment.

Verplanck’s Point Monday Sept. 2nd 82
I pitched my tent and prepared to go to work. A fine day.

Tuesday 3rd
Pleasant and very dry weather.

The 11th
Thunder in the morning and shifted from warm to very cold and stormy with rain and wind at the north.

And Thursday the 12th
We were inspected hear at Verplanck’s Point. A clear and cold day, no news.

From the 3rd to the sixteenth
Nothing new. All well and hearty.

Sept. 16th 82
The French army began to cross King’s Ferry from the southward much tired out with their march from the southward. We have diverse accounts about peace but nothing to be relied on as a certainty as yet. 30 deserted from New York to us the 15th instant. We have here a fine encampment which will furnish the public with a curious map someday or other. Nothing in orders remarkable.

This 17th day
Clear and cold. A very severe drought here and very drying winds every day.

Wednesday 19th 82
This day clear and very dry. The French troops continue crossing the ferry. They had 4000 wagons and 6000 troops to cross when they first began crossing. We have no news and nothing else but news too. I mean camp talk, which is no better than our pay is.

Saturday Sept. 22nd 82
A clear and pleasant day. All well. This is another field day for diversion in viewing the whole army, Continentals and French men which in the whole makes about 14 thousand here encamped.

Sabbath Day Sept. 23rd
A pleasant day here at Verplanck’s Point. All well.

Monday Sept. 24th
I came from West Point.

Tuesday Sept. 25th
General Knox and other general officers set off for to meet the British near the blockhouse by Dobbs Ferry. This day clear.

Octr. 3rd
Clear and pleasant. Nothing remarkable. We expect to march soon.

From the 3rd to the tenth
Nothing remarkable. I am very poorly and have been so 4 or five days. The 7th instant Thomas Tory son to Thomas Tory of Plymouth died of a bilious fever after a short illness. He belonged to our regiment and to Captain King’s company.

Octr. 11th
This day we were inspected for this month.

13th Octr. Sabbath Day
This day I heard Mr. Lockwood preach here at Verplanck’s Point. No news remarkable for several days past. We expect to go to winter quarters soon.

October 16th 82
I received a letter from my wife dated August the 30th 82.

The anniversary of taking Burgoyne. A cloudy rainy day. From this time to the 24th nothing very remarkable, only stealing and that is carried on to an unknown rate. I had my anvil took off the block on the night of the 16th and can not hear or get any information of it since. This day we had a general maneuver and one gill of rum extra. We are now under marching orders on the shortest notice.

A clear cool day after a rainy night. Nothing transpires that is remarkable.

Octr. 29th 1782
We embarked from Verplanck’s Point for New Windsor in a scow and had a fine passage, but as soon as we arrived at New Windsor we had a severe storm at northeast with a smart gale of wind, but we got a very good harbor.

Novr. 5th 1782
The 5th a fine clear morning. Last Saturday was a foul day and the sun did not appear for the day.

Novr. 7th
We had the regiment mustered. The night following was thunder and rain.

Novr. 9th
A clear day. This day Sergeant Blake was taken very unwell. No news and no money. We got this day our house [site] so that we moved into it and pitched our tent.

10th Novr. 1782 to 15th
Nothing remarkable. All hands a building our houses. The 11th of November 82 Captain Tuckerman went off home and Lieutenant Luther Trowbridge was appointed quartermaster. The 14th we had news in camp that Gibralter was taken.

Novr. 26th 82
This day was killed by the falling of a tree one Luffkens belonging to the 7th Massachusetts Regiment. He was killed instantaneously, so suddenly that he knew not what hurt him.

Novr. 27th
A clear fine day.

Novr. 28th Thanksgiving Day
This day I went to meeting at New Windsor and heard a fine sermon preached by Mr. Evans. The services of the day were carried on with as great decency as ever I saw a Thanksgiving. A band was placed in the front gallery and the singers in the 2 side galleries. The assembly was large and graced by His Excellency and guards. The day was clear but very cold.

The 29th and 30th
We have accounts that the British are leaving New York.

December the 1st and second
Fine pleasant days. The 2nd we passed muster. A fine day.

The 3rd and the 4th
Warm and pleasant days and nights. The news now is that the British are leaving New York and that the during the war men are to be discharged and paid up their wages, but I fear that all is groundless and nothing to be depended on, as fair promises we find heretofore have proved to be nothing but to deceive us and make us easy under the disappointments, but the army will not be led to believe a lie I trust.

December the 5th 1782
This day proves to be a warm and pleasant day. Nothing transpires that is remarkable. The evening of the sixth came up a thunder squall which cleared off very cold.

The 7th
Clear and cold.

8th , 9th , 10th , 11th , 12th
Warm and pleasant weather.

A fine pleasant day.

A severe cold day. All well and at work.

The 15th
This day I wrote home by Sergeant Bartlett.

The 17th of Decr.
Sergeant Bartlett and Corporals Allen, Oliver, Kempton, Leach set out for home and the night before they marched fell a level snow about 20 inches deep on a level. It fell in as short a time as ever I knew a snow to fall.

The 17th
Was a fine pleasant day overhead. We have no news. All things remain still. We hear nothing of any movement of the enemy nor that there is any stir about paying us any wages.

Wednesday Decr. 18th 82
A fine pleasant day. All well. Nothing remarkable. The army busy in making their barracks which they have got in a fine way.

Thursday 19th 82
A fine morning. This morning Colonel Vose’s regiment marched for the lines at Verplanck’s Point. The whole of the day warm and very thawed a good deal.

20th Friday
A fine and pleasant morning. All well. This day Colonel Stacey arrived here to camp from his long captivity. We have this day this news received about receiving 4 months pay for 1782 but I little expect to receive any as yet.

21st Saturday Decr. 82
A pleasant day.

21st Sabbath Day
A fine pleasant day. No news.

21st Monday

Warm and the last snow almost gone.

23rd and 24th
Warm and pleasant. A fine warm Christmas eve. This day my request was sent in for a discharge.

25th Christmas
A fine warm day.

A warm day and rainy day. No news remarkable. I received a letter from Peter dated Sept. 23rd 82.

27th , 28th , and 29th
Clear and warm and pleasant weather.

The 30th
It clouded up and snowed. We have no news. The contractors for 1782 end their contractorship with the year and the year has ended without our being paid one farthing and scarcely drawing our clothing that is allowed us. Such is the treatment that we poor soldiers get for our services. Oh, ungrateful beyond conception, this the reward of your country’s guardians.

The 31st
Something cold but for the season moderate. All hands to work for the brigade making nails. This day ends the year 1782 never to be recalled by us again.

January 1st 1783
A New Year’s day which I wish may prove the happiest year that ever I enjoyed in my life, both to me, my friends and poor distressed New England which have been groaning this 7 years under an unnatural war with Great Britain. The day was clear and pleasant but somewhat cold.

2nd day Jany. 83
A warm pleasant day and a rumor of money but very little credited as we have been often hearing of pay but disappointments followed the reports.

Cloudy and some snow in the day.

5th, 6th and 7th
Cold and a small sprinkling of snow. The river not shut up yet but a large quantity of ice in it. The report of peace is renewed and somewhat believed but as to money there is none yet nor likes to be as I can find out.

Decr. 9th 1783
A severe cold day and cloudy and began to snow at night.

10th Friday
Cold and snowy, very cold and fine sledding. All hands getting wood.

11th Saturday
A cold day. We had a snow storm last night. The snow fell about 12 inches deep. The day has been clear and cold. This evening we had news that the 17th of next month is to be kept as a general thanksgiving on the declaration of peace and independence being declared. I wish it may prove true but I fear it will turn out to be camp news.

Jany. 12th 1783
Sabbath day. A cold day. I keep house and read Harvey’s dialogues which are a fine entertainment to an inquiring mind. This day as I sit in my room I bethought myself how nobly perhaps you might be entertained at home. But we poor soldiers here are called to fatigue on this day by them that neither fear God nor in the least regard his holy Sabbaths and we must obey or have the stripes. This is such a practice that I trust will, if ever the privilege be granted me again, set more highly by Sabbath days enjoyments than ever yet I have done.

Our martial laws are very good but to see how partially [i.e., inequitably] they are put into execution is almost astonishing to anyone who has any sense of law and reason. The articles are good and ought to be put into execution and the only failure is that the breach of some are taken notice of and others of the greatest consequence overlooked (viz) the breach of one article which forbids profane swearing and blaspheming the Almighty, which is [done] frequently and not the least notice taken of it, but if they do but in the slightest manner speak any way diminutively of a poor worm of the dust they are brought to the most condign and shameful punishment. Can such conduct show any regard to God or his laws? Surely no, but argues a very great disregard to both and tends to provoke the Almighty to load a people with his highest judgments.

Jany. 13th Monday 1783
Moderate for the season. This day I sent two letters home by Sergeant Cobb of Kingston, one to my wife with a book the other to neighbor Sprout. Nothing new. Sergeant Cobb had his furlough to the 23rd of March next 78 days and General Paterson went home this day.

Jany. 14th 83
Clear and cold day. Nothing remarkable. The building I know not for what the officers intend the use of is briskly going on by the hard fatigue of the poor naked soldiers.

Jany. 1783 15th
Very pleasant but cold.

16th, 17th
More moderate for the season. Nothing transpires remarkable and indeed there is nothing stirring as news that can be depended on unless we depend on it as false.

Jany. 18th 1783
Saturday. This day two regiments of the 1st Massachusetts Brigade are to muster. The 7th [Regiment] are at the lines on command. Some rainy and warm.

This day all hands to work although it is Sunday. I suppose in New England this day moderate for the season. Very sloppy under feet.

20th Monday
Clear and cold and windy although a pleasant day for January. Here we are as yet without any money and to all appear and so like to remain for the army is shamefully neglected on almost every account. But their former zeal for their distressed country carries them through and bears them up under the hardships of a camp life and the cruel usage of their fellow countrymen which have grown cold as to their country’s fate and are wholly bent to engross all they can into their own clutches to gratify their selfish ends. Oh, you high Whigs, consider how you have fallen from your first love to [entire line obscured] your present conduct does not prove your country’s ruin and your own likewise.

Tuesday Jany. 21st
Warm this morning but by 11 o’clock the wind shifted from southwest to northeast and snowed quite fast. This day we have certain accounts arrived from the southward that the British have left South Carolina and repaired to New York and it is hoped these pests to the continent will wholly leave us to the free enjoyment of this pleasant land.

Wednesday 22nd and Thursday 23rd
Pleasant weather and all’s well. Nothing new.

Friday 24th
Pleasant. This day I exhibited my certificates to the quartermaster general’s office in order for a settlement and a settlement was referred till Monday next. This day was a fine pleasant day and plenty of camp news. But nothing remarkable. The grand temple goes on with all expedition. The length is 110 feet and the breadth 80.

Jany. 25th
A warm day. All well. The news of Charleston being confirmed and read in general orders.

26th Sabbath Day
A fine warm pleasant day the snow almost gone. Nothing remarkable.

I went to Newburgh for steel and iron and got 28 weight iron and 6 weight steel. A warm cloudy day and very bad walking. All the talk is peace but none for me there is such a call for work.

Snowy and all hands at work in the shop this day. No news to be much relied on for truth.

Drew provisions for the month out. A cloudy day and some snow and no news.

30th and 31st
Clear weather. So ended January.

February 1783
1st This day very cold but somewhat pleasant as it was clear.

Day very squally and very cold and kept growing cold till night [line obscured] colder. It was reckoned as cold here as had been for 16 years. We still remain moneyless and so are like to I believe.

3rd and 4th
All fixing for I know not what but great preparations a making for the dedication of the temple of virtue and liberty.

A cloudy day and some rain and warm.
Nothing remarkable.

The 6th Feby. 1783
This day some snow and a fue de joie on the account of it being the anniversary of our alliance with France. It was kept up by a firing of small arms and other marks of joy.

The 7th
A clear pleasant day. Nothing remarkable, only one man wounded through the thigh with a shot from the guards.

The 7th Feby. 82
Zenus Leach came into camp and told me that my son was very uneasy that I did not come home.

The eighth
A pleasant day. A Saturday. All well and no news remarkable.

Sabbath Day Feby. ninth
Snowy and work enough sent to the shop but we did as little of it as we could help for we have generally enough to do in the week’s time.

Feby. 10th 1783
Yesterday snow and about eight o’clock left off snowing. This day clear and cold but yet it was pleasant. This evening at roll call the orders from headquarters intimate that we shall have some money very soon. Good news if it proves to be true and all the troops say amen.

Feby. 11th 1783, the 12th, 13th, and 14th
Nothing transpired remarkable. Great encouragement of peace is daily sounding in our ears.

Feby. 15th Saturday
The general orders from headquarters [are] that a happy peace is near to be concluded which has given us great joy.

Feby. 15th 1783
We had great encouragement of peace taking place very soon and that very honorably by the general orders of this day which were very encouraging. It is believed in camp and rejoiced at by many but some look sober about it.

Feby. 16th
Sabbath day and orders for no labor which in some measure makes it to appear like Sabbath day although many notorious profanations are plainly to be observed in many here in the army. This day warm and pleasant. The weather is like March.

Feby. 17th Monday
A very rainy day. The snow almost gone and strong talk of peace taking place immediately which news together with the news of money being paid us makes us very joyful.

Feby. 18th
Remains very foggy and warm and bids very fair for a thorough thaw. The news of peace prevails daily. It is remarkably warm and the frogs are heard this evening to sing merrily.

Feby. the 19th
Nothing new. It cleared up warm and at night it began to rain again. We are hourly hearing that peace is nigh at hand but when it will take place is uncertain.

Feby. 20th Thursday
A fine day all pleasant. The news increases as to a peace.

Feby. 21st, 22nd to the 28th
Fine pleasant weather.

March 1st
A raw cold day, wind south southwest and somewhat cloudy. This day we could not get our provision return authenticated by reason of Colonel Vose, [the] commandant [of the] brigade, forbidding the brigade quartermaster to act as such.

March 2nd 1783 Sabbath Day
This day it was very credibly reported that peace was settled which I wish may prove true. This day very clear and pleasant. I sent a letter home to my wife by Sergeant Major Farnum of Plymouth which is to leave camp tomorrow morning and proceed directly for Plymouth.

Monday March 3rd
This day pleasant and so it remained to the ninth which was Sabbath day and very pleasant this day. Today we meet at the temple where there is a temple’s pulpit made and a gallery for the music. It is a building which is converted to many uses which makes me think of synagogues of old that we read of.

Monday 10th March 83
This day is as cold as any we have felt the winter past if not colder. It is clear and no snow on the ground. I hope by all accounts that the happy conclusion of the war is near at hand.

Tuesday the 11th
A cold day. Nothing remarkable.

Wednesday 12th
Clear and cold.

Thursday, Friday, Saturday
Somewhat stormy and some snow but nothing remarkable, only the trial of a sergeant in the New York Line for stealing at the store, for which he is adjudged to receive 25 lashes at [the] Jersey, New York and New England Lines.

Sabbath Day March 16th 83
A fine pleasant day and we attended public worship at the new meeting house here and were agreeably entertained by the Reverend Mr. Evans from the 2nd Timothy 4th chapter and 8th verse. The words were as follows: godliness is profitable to all things having the promise, etc. A serious attention was seemingly given in time at service. This is the first Sabbath that has had any appearance of Sabbath for sometime with us in the army.

The Reverend Mr. Gano preached from these word; marvel not that I say unto you ye must be born again, this text introduced in such a striking manner that I hope it effectually touched our heart. His words and works ever appeared weighty but now moreso than ever. It is evident that heaven is his home but the Lord grant that he may make a long visit here on Earth before his Lord and master calls him home and when he takes his leave here on Earth of his dear children he may go to [his] Father in heaven.

Monday March 17th 83
St. Patrick’s Day, called and so kept by the teagues for his heroic act in driving out of Ireland snakes, toads and other vermin; and if he behaved as the teagues have this day it is not at all to be wondered that they left that kingdom.

Tuesday March the 18th 83
This morning we have the news of 2 men being killed in the Jersey Line; they being St. Patrick’s men and in a high frolic so they shared their fate; several more badly wounded and all were drunk. The news of peace still is prevalent in the camp.

March 21st
Pleasant day.

March 22nd
This day we are a little revived with the news of peace which it is said will be soon.

Sabbath Day March the 23rd
Mr. Gano preached and oh how entertaining was his discourse but my wicked heart was full of cavils and scruples and ready to join the adversary of precious souls in the rejecting the gospel offer of salvation by Christ. Oh, I felt enmity to it but blessed by God.

This day by general order all fatigue was forbid. Last night we had hail, snow and some thunder as we have this day also. This day about 4 o’clock in the afternoon Sergeant Cobb arrived here well and tells me that my family was well and that Peter was gone to see about my year 81 and 82 wages.

Monday March 24th 83
A raw cold day and cloudy some part of the day. All well and live in daily expectation of peace being declared in the camp. We hear that the governors of the several states are to meet here soon on some important business and we are with earnest expectations waiting to hear the same hoping that it will be something in favor of the whole army. Such a confusion I have not beheld since I belonged to the army and this is nothing to what it will be at the declaration of peace.

Saturday March 29th 1783
This day a fine pleasant day and at night we had in orders read to us the copy of a letter from the president of Congress which confirms the account of peace fully. The evening following was a very bright northern light.

Sabbath Day March 30th 1783
Fine pleasant morning. A very spring like day. I went to meeting and we were agreeably entertained by the Reverend Mr. Evans and Mr. [blank] from the 25th chapter of Matthew. The news of peace comes as well authenticated as can be except if it came from the commissioners themselves.

Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday
Nothing remarkable. We all are much elevated with the happy news of peace and the happy prospect of going home soon.

Thursday April 3rd 1783
A fine pleasant day. Nothing remarkable. All well and in good spirits on account of the war’s being so near over.

Friday April 4th 83
This morning cloudy and warm attended with a moderate rain the fore part of the day. Nothing remarkable.

Saturday April 5th 83
A fine clear day. All well this day and nothing new. This evening we have it in general orders for no more ammunition to be issued from the magazine till further orders. This is a great token that peaceable times are not far off.

Sabbath Day the 6th April 83
A clear but raw cold day. 4 exercises this day at the temple, the chaplains Lockwood, Mr. [blank] and Mr. Toferno of the parish New Windsor. It really now seems as it was before these unhappy wars commenced.

Monday 7th April 83
Clear and cold for the season. Nothing the last 24 hours that is remarkable. We wait daily for the proclamation of peace to be read here.

Tuesday April 8th 83
This day we had the confirmation of the peace which came by the way of New York brought out by a British adjutant to headquarters and the British adjutant is now in camp frolicking with our officers.

Wednesday April 9th 1783
A warm and pleasant day and nothing else to be heard but everyone asking each other when do you expect to be discharged and go home and be rid of this army and so forth.

Thursday April 10th 83
This day I received a letter from home bearing date 30th March.

Friday April 11th 83
This day is very warm and at evening we had some thunder and a plentiful rain.

Saturday April 12th 83
A cold storm with rain and some snow the fore part of the day. It cleared up in the afternoon. Cold for the season.

Sabbath Day April 13th 83
A clear and pleasant day but cold for the season. We had this day to preach to us Mr. Lockwood, Mr. Barnard and Mr. Gano who preached an excellent sermon from Mallicha 3rd chapter and 4th verse and a young gentleman from the Jerseys a very pretty preacher. There seems an apparent alteration in the army since the peace is settled as to their behavior on the Sabbath.

Monday April 14th 83
I went to West Point and got my certificates entered on the field commissary’s account in order for payment.

Tuesday April 15th 1783
This day I am not fit for duty by reason of my journey yesterday to West Point.

Wednesday April 16th 83
The official account of the peace reached headquarters to the great joy [of] some as well as the grief of others.

Thursday April 17th 83
A fine warm day and our quartermaster arrived in camp in from furlough. This day the official account of peace was read at the temple in presence of the officers assembled there.

Friday April 18th 1783
This day very hot and very dry. The heat almost overcame me although I did not much labor to weary me. The officers meet this day to receive the list of the soldiery that are entitled to wear the honorary badges and to determine about the [??] of the army. This evening we had His Excellency’s congratulations on our independence and peace which was settled on good and honorable terms.

Saturday April 19th 1783
This day is kept by the officers of the army as a thanksgiving for the remarkable success of our armies in America. The chaplains are desired to attend the services of the day at the temple where the declaration is to be read in the turret of the temple and the army is to have an extra ration of spirits and the following is the toast given by His Excellency for this day: perpetual alliance and peace to the United States of America. At night the above is to be read at the head of each regiment on the parade. The formal acclamations of joy makes such a confusion that I am almost tired out; and it makes me wish that fue de joie were ended so that my wished for discharge might come, which would afford me more joy than to continue here in such a confusion.

But, however, the curiosity of many of the scenes, especially the fireworks, are very entertaining and more so to us in this country as we were entirely ignorant of the same. To see two men on horseback in the livery of officers with drawn swords in their hands and see a bird flying in the air with a firebrand or match in his mouth and set fire to the foresaid horses and see the horses and their riders meet running on a rope and contend with each other is such a scene as would give the ignorant world a very great shock.

And many other such like fireworks were displayed that I am not at leisure here to mention for want of time. For the remainder of this journal I shall confine myself to general orders as they come to hand and I have time to transcribe them. This day is as remarkable for being cold as yesterday was for being hot which both coming so near together I fear will prove very hurtful to the health of many in the army if not fatal. This day Lieutenant Samson brought me news of the death of mother Foster.

General Orders April 18th 83
Headquarters Newburgh 18th April 83

the commander in cheaf orders the cessation of hostilities between the united states of america, and the king of great britan to be publickly proclaimed to morrow at twelve a clock at the new building: and that the procklamation which will be communicated hear with tomorrow evening at the head of every rigiment and corps of the armey after which the chaptens of the several brigads shall render thanks to almighty god for all his mercys; perticularly for his over ruling the wrath of man [?] glory and causeing the rage of war to cease among the nations as the proclamation [before alluded to extends only to the proclamation of hostilityes and not to anonneation of the peace] yet it must afford the most rational and sincere satisfaction to every benevolent mind: as it puts a period to a long and doubtful contest: stops the affution of humain blood, opens the prospect to a more splended seen and like another morning star, promises the aproach of a brighter day than hath hitherto illuminated the western hemisphere. on such a happy day which is the herbengor of peace. a day which come pleats the eight years of the war. it will be ingratitude not to rejoyce it would be incoancibillity not to anticipate the genral falicity the commander in cheaf far from endeavoring to stifling the fealing of joy in his own bosom; after his most cordial congratulation on the acation to all the offecers of every denomination to the troops of the united stats in general and in perticular to those gallant and percevearing men who had resolved to defend their rights of their invaded cuntery so long as the war shall last for them are the men that aught to be considered as the pride and best of the american army: and who crowned with well armed lawrels may soon withdraw from the field of glory to the more tranquile walks of civel life

while the general recollects the almost infinight veriety of seains through which we have past with a mixture of pleasure; astonishment and gratitude which he contemplates the prospect before us with rapture he cannot help wishing that all the brave men (of whatever condition they may be) who have shared in the toyls and dangirs of affecting this glorious revolution of resqueing millions from the hand of oppression and of laying the foundation of a great empire, might be impressed with a proper ethediea of the dignifthed part they have been calld to act (under the smills of providenc) on the stage of humane affairs. for happy thrice happy shall they be pronounced hear and after who have contributed any thing. who proformed the menest office [?] in erecting this stupendous fabrick of freedom and empire on the broad baces of independency who have assisted in protecting the right of human nature and establishing an aslyam for the poor and oppressed of all nations and religeons the glorious tract for which we first flew to armes being theirs accomplished the libberties of our cuntery being fully acknoleged and fermly secured by the smills of heaven on the purity of our cause. the honest exertions of assable people determined to be free against a powerful nation disposed to oppose them and correction of those who have perseveared throu extremity of hardships sufferings and dangers being immortal siazed by the elustious appellations of the patriot army

nothing remains but for the actors of this mighty seen to procure a perfect emoasing consistiny of characters throu the very last act; to clear the dreama with applause and retire from the millitary theatre with the same approbation of angels and men which have crouned all their former virtuous actions

for this purpus no disorder or lysentiousness means tollerate every considerate and well disposed soldier must remember it will absolutely nesuary to weight with paticene untill peace shall be declared, or congress shall be innabled to take proper measurs for the security of the publick stors; as soon as this arangment shall be made; the genll. is confident their will be no delay in discharging every mark of distinction; and honnor all the men inlisted for the war who will have faithfully performed their ingagements with the publick

the genll. has already intrasted himself in their behalf and he thinks he nead not repeat the assurance of his disposistion to be usefull to them on the present and every other proper accation in the mean time he is determined that no unmilitary insult or accesses shall go unpunished while he retains the command of the army

the adt. genll. will have such working parties detailed to assist in making the preperations of a general rejoycing as the cheaf ingeaner shall call for. and the quarter master genll. will furnish such meterials as he may want

the qm genll. will without delay procure such a number of discharges to be printed as will be sufficeant for all the men inlisted for the war he will please to apply to head quarters for the forme

an extra ration of liquer to issued to every man to drink perpetual peace independanc tost. and happyness to the united states of america

a copey taken from genll. orders
April 19th 1783
at the cantonment new winsor

April 20th 1783
This day nothing remarkable turned up. Very warm and very dry weather.

April 21st 83
Nothing to be remarked. All well and expect soon to be cleared from bondage.

April 22nd 83
This day clear and dry and warm. At night a few drops of rain.

April 23rd
A warm clear day. We passed muster for the month of March and we wish that it may be the last muster here.

April 24th 83
I had a pass to Newburgh on business at the quartermaster general’s. This day I sent a letter home by Mr. Turner of Middleborough [Massachusetts]. Nothing remarkable for the last 24 hours.

Friday April 25th 83
A dry hot day. This morning it was read in orders that I should put on my second honorary badge.

Saturday April 26th 83
This day nothing to be remarked. A very dry time. We expect daily after the days of rejoicing is over which will begin the 1st day of May and continue 3 days.

Sabbath Day April 27th 1783
This day I attended public worship and heard the Reverend Mr. Gano preach from the 3rd Phillips, 8th verse, ye doubtless; and I count all things but lost for the excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord. The afternoon we were entertained by the Reverend Mr. Evans from Revelations. Hallelujah. Hallelujah.

Monday April 29th 83
A dry windy day the wind at north northwest. Nothing new. This day all hands looking out for their discharges.

Tuesday April 29th 83
This day clear and dry. I went to Newburgh on business to the quartermaster general’s store and returned about 12 o’clock. We have diverse accounts about the way [we] are [to be] settled with and how we are to be discharged but things move very slowly with us and everyone is impatient to know how we are to be paid off. I wish the affair was to an end and we had our discharges in our hands.

April the 30th 1783
This day we had a little rain and but a very little. I was ordered to Newburgh on business with the quartermaster general which I hope will be the last business of a public nature that I shall be called to do with him.

May 1st 1783 Thursday
A clear and dry day and we are all waiting for a discharge and think it very hard that we are withheld from it as we have fulfilled the term of our enlistment and have obtained the end we engaged for. Under the smiles of Divine Providence we are now reinstated in the privileges that we were in great dangers of having taken from us a few years ago by the tyrant of Great Britain. This day we have nothing that transpires special for a remark.

May 2nd 1783 Friday
Last evening there was a resolve of Congress read looking on it that the during the war men’s time did not expire till the declaration of peace was issued and that the during the war men should have their arms and accouterments as a present for their long and faithful service.

Saturday May 3rd 1783
A fine pleasant day. All hands at work.

Sabbath Day May 4th 1783
This day cold. We attend meeting. The Reverend Mr. Barnard preached the first sermon, his text was in Hebrews the [blank] chapter, [blank] verse: by faith Noah being warned of God prepared for himself, etc. The second exercise Mr. Barlow preached from Proverbs the 15th and 3rd and the text was good. The last exercise the Reverend Mr. Evans preached from [blank].

May the 5th Monday 83
This morning clear and cold and very dry weather.

Tuesday May the 6th
Nothing to be remarked but dry weather and frosty nights which we fear will prove hurtful to the fruit.

Wednesday May 7th 1783
This day some cloudy and some rain. The night following we heard 20-pound cannon we judged were fired at New York but on what occasion we cannot as yet tell.

Thursday May 8th 1783
This morning cloudy and some rain attended with a cold easterly wind. There is a very great uneasiness in the army arising from the not discharging the during the war men and I fear the consequence of the same.

Friday 9th of May 83
This morning clear and pleasant after a refreshing rain. Some very high and unruly actions are done in the camp daily almost. 2 men in the 4th [Massachusetts] Regiment received one hundred [lashes] each for their unruly behavior in the night of the eighth instant.

Saturday May 10th 1783
This is a windy rainy day with the wind at south southeast. Yesterday one of Captain Tupper’s sons was to see me. He came by water and sailed the same day for Albany in a sloop from Taunton. He brings me the agreeable news that my family is well and the neighbors likewise.

Emperor of Rome

Caius Caligula

He by the Romans was for a time adored,
Who termed him their happy sovereign lord.
But quickly finding him degenerate
Into a tyrant, they him scorn and hate.
Tiberius, his uncle, did foresee
What a plague to the people he would be,
And if he could attain his own desire,
Like Phaeton would set the world on fire.
He told the senate that he laughed to think
He could have all their throats cut with a wink
And wished the people all one neck that so
All of them might be murdered at a blow.

Transcribed May 10th 1783
at New Windsor

New Windsor 1783
Thomas Foster
in the county of

Sabbath Day May 11th 1783
This day I went to meeting and heard the Reverend Mr. Gano preach from these words in Matthew: what is a man profited if he should gain the whole world and lose his own soul, etc. The day was clear and very windy, the wind at west northwest. Our famous temple of virtue and liberty was yesterday almost washed down with a severe storm of wind and rain.

Monday May 12th 1783
A clear cold day. This morning one in the 7th [Massachusetts Regiment] received 100 [lashes] for being some sassy to b.t.t.

Tuesday May 13th 83
Nothing new or remarkable. This day clear and pleasant.

Wednesday May 14th 83
Some talk that we shall not be discharged till October next which makes us much perplexed.

Thursday May 15th 83
This day it is clear and pleasant. I went to Newburgh to the quartermaster general for a provision return and to the store for iron and files. This is my birthday which makes me 49 years old and eight of these years I have spent in the service of the United States and now it is peace and I can’t get discharged.

Friday May 16th 1783
This day a clear and pleasant day. The orders were for each regiment to get 2 sticks of timber per regiment.

Saturday May 17th 83
This day fine and pleasant for the season. Nothing turns up that is remarkable.

Sabbath Day May 18th 1783
A very warm day and the during the war men are very warm that they are not dismissed from their bondage and what the event will be is not in my power to determine. We were entertained by the Reverend Mr. Evans and the Reverend Barnard, Mr. Gano, Barlow. This evening we had a very sudden shift of wind from the southward to the northwest and the air very cold. We had some rain and lightning but very little thunder.

Monday May 19th 83
This day the wind was very high at northwest and quite cold for the season. The orders last night nothing more than common. This day we hope for good news.

Tuesday 20th, Wednesday 21st and Thursday 22nd
This day we mustered for the month of April and I hope we shall muster but for one month more for this war as soldiers.

Friday May 23rd 83
This a very warm day and at night thunder and rain. It is a pleasant growing season.

Saturday May 24th 1783
Cold morning somewhat cloudy. We are well as to health but not so well provided for as to provisions as we were in war time and do not expect better till we are disbanded.

Sabbath Day May 25th 1783
This day a fine and pleasant day. The forenoon meetings were crowded auditory consisting of 1200 hearers in the house and outdoors. The Reverend Mr. Gano from Acts 14th chapter and 15th verse, Mr. Lockwood from Proverbs 3rd chapter and 17th verse which were fine sermons and heard with a good deal of seeming attention.

We are very much pleased to hear that our discharges will be given out in a few days which we have expected almost daily for some time. For 3 or 4 nights past the Hampshire troops have deserted being quite out of patience waiting for their discharges; and indeed we do many of us wonder [that] we should be detained here and daily to increase the public debt when the country are groaning under the burden already which is heavy.

Monday May 26th 1783
Nothing remarkable the last 24 hours past.

Tuesday May 27th 1783
This a fine pleasant day. Nothing new.

Wednesday May 28th 1783
This day I went to Newburgh for iron and got 28 weight of bar iron.

Thursday May 29th 1783
A fine and clear and pleasant morning. We have so many accounts about our discharges and the time when that we are unable to tell when it will be if ever. This day we have an account that the court at Springfield is stopped but it is not believed as all reports are false in camp now of late. Yesterday Sergeant Howard had a bad flogging from Lieutenant Freeman and the affair is not settled as yet to Sergeant Howard’s mind. It is I think high time for to disband the army as there is a very great opposition arisen between the officers and the soldiers of late; and how it will stop and where I can’t think.

Friday May 30th 1783
A warm clear and pleasant day. Nothing remarkable.

Saturday May 31st 1783
This day a tumult is begun on account of the during the war men having furloughs instead of the discharges which they are justly entitled to by their first enlistment, as that specified that we were at the end of the contest to be free, and now to only furlough us and not to pay us is an odd unheard of piece of injustice and not to be put up with by brave men that have fought and suffered everything but the dissolution of soul and body; for they have never been paid according to contract but been most shamefully deceived and baffled almost in every article of contract made them, and now to be sent into the country naked and destitute of money and almost everything else is what you may call an injury to them, to their poor families and an equal disgrace to the continent that they under God have made free. This is conduct which with a willness ought to be abhorred by every citizen.

Sabbath Day June 1st 1783
Mr. Gano preached from Micha these words, I have showed thee, oh man, etc. The afternoon the Reverend Mr. Lockwood preached from James, 2nd chapter and 10th [verse]. Nothing transpired remarkable the last twenty four hours.

Monday June 2nd 1783
This day orders were read for discharging the during the war men, and at night the foolish action of exhibiting Major Trusket’s effigy was hung on the parade with an odd epithet on it.

Tuesday June 3rd 1783
This day orders for the Jersey detachment to march on Friday to their state. This is the first orders for the breaking of the army.

[Additional Amended Content]


A Poem To The Tune Of The Old 100

Suppose the tyrant of this age
Should now in his exquisite rage
Enlarge his fleet to that degree
That they should cover all the see
And so augment his warlike band
As to spread over all the land
And raise ten thousand genies too
What could he then expect to do
He at the head of all this rabble
We’d value less than chaff or stubble
What can he do in all this pride
As we have justice on our side
But let what will be his pretense
We’ll boldly stand in our defense
While they who know not what they are doing
Are working their own ruin

A NEW SONG on the times thirteen stanzas on according to the 13 united states
[Note: Obviously written to the tune of “Lilliburlero.”]

1. King George the 2d we’ll never forgitt
Who ruled the nation by protestant laws
Britannia hibernia america too
Were blest by maintaining dear libertys cause
Cursed, cursed forever be cursed
Those imps of hell who did under take
To break up the station of this happy nation
And make the ferm bast of britton to shake
2d The day of the month the day of the thear
I do not remember when huttechin came
But this you may see if you harken to me
I am drawing the plan of the prussion drum
Power, power despotic power
We must submit to says north and bute
Or they swere by the pope we shall hang on [a] rope
And the’ll have our land and our cattle to boot
3d what say you my frend will you ever submit
your freedom to theld at a beck or a call
and so be their slaves till you fall in your graves
to sarve them like nigrows for nothing at tall
taxes, taxes exorbitant taxes
we must submit to and all must be paid
or else must be sold for silver or gold
and bartered hessians to help on the trade
4th when our fourfathers first came to this land
it was for our saks that we might be free
for the protestent cause and good wholsom laws
and shall we despise them[?] that never can be
freedom, freedom fight for your freedom
don’t give it up nor let it be sold
but fight till we die for dear libberty [vie?]
and boldly defend it like heroes of old
5th they have made a bold push our currag to try
and we have withstood them as yet very well
am not I mistaken[?] for boston was taken
without either bullet a ball or a shell
boston, boston, poor wretched boston
you are all kidnapped what will you doo[?]
it stand you in hand, to be at command
for you are all captives, to this wretched crew
6th in lexenton battle, their somthing appeared
which I will remark, and indevour to shew
their army came oute, so bold and so stout
but were soon drove back by yankes a few
hasten, hasten, lord percy says hasten
the yankeys are after us, we shall be slain
come run with all spead, for their is great nead
we venture no more amongst yankes again
7th at bunker hill fight they gained the day
no wonder at that they had ten to our one
ticonderog next our people atactes
and take it without firing a gun
cannada, cannada way then for canada,
our army is ordered, they rush on amain
oh how are we crosed. our hero is lost
for want of more help they turn back again
8th burgoyne with his army pursues at our heals
his forigners english and his savage crew
they murther and scalp they hallow and thelp
and swere by the devel that they will drive through
bennington, bennington send of[f] to bennington
some brave harty soldiers most fercly to drive
brave stark with his men soon fall in with them
and that [line obscured]
9th [line obscured]
commeting oute rages on our frontears
distresing our borders with savage disorders
till brave genll. gates had stoped his carear
yankeys, yankeys serounded by yankeys
near half the number of his motteled crew
come stay whare you be you quickly shall see
what true harted yankeys are able to do
10th your bounds are prefixed says brave genll. gates
step oute of your tracts, an inch if you dare
your army is great but tis now too late
for death and captivity you must prepare
quarter, quarter, give us good quarter
and we will all leave you and crose the wide main
and tell our great master of our disaster
we will never truble your cuntrey again
11th as to the brave hows I have little to say
but be they bold warriors, of what can the[y] bost
their plunder is small, if I count it all
not one rod of land, to a man they have lost
victory, victory have you got the victory[?]
return to your master with your little spoil
and if he should pretend, to send you again
you may freely tel him tis not worth his while
12th poor papist traitors directed your master
when he was so thursty for supream command
did he think we would fight like men for our right
or like halfwitted fools to give him our land[?]
mistaken, mistaken, grosly mistaken
for all his proud thret we never can care
so if he must have a number of slavs
he may go to tophet and fetch them from their
13th return to your master and tel him what news
and stay hear no longer a wasting your time
so if you ant jogging we’ll give you a floging
and sarve you the same sarce we sarved burguyne
england, england, wo be to england
your glory is departed and what shall I tell[?]
your gem of renown is striped from the crown
for we are dimonds that from it fell

THE CORDIAL to the tune of the 136 or proper tune

how awful is the scene
how gloomy is the day
when our beloved friends
must be compelled away

to meet the foe
with sword in hand
and for the land
to battle go

‘gainst Britain and her sons
each one on murder bent
must we to battle come
we’ll come with one intent

so we shall find
if we are true
this savage crew
will be burguyn’d

‘tis you brave Washington
must be our noble guide
[line obscured]
to humble Britain’s pride

so we shall then
divide the spoil
to pay the toil
of warlike men

[1780 Content]

February [illegible] 1780 to Feb. 19th
Nothing remarkable.

Feb. 21st 1780
I heard of Ichabod Wood’s house being burnt. I had the news by Lieutenant Bagnall of Plymouth.

May the 10th
I sent a letter to father by John Ashley.

May the sixth
I sent by Gus Paddock a pen knife [?] to Peter and a certificate that he had a man during the war and c-h for. b. c.

May 11th
I sent home by zebn. vaughan a coat to Peter and a letter.

July 9th 1780
I sent a shirt to Peter, a comb to Susanna and 3 or 4 letters to my wife.

This day 18th July
Run the gantlet 2 men belonging to the Hampshire brigade and received upward of a thousand lashes with small sticks provided for that purpose.

July 23rd
I received a letter from my wife dated July 14th 80 which informed me that Peter had engaged for 3 months in the service to randevose at clovrick on the north river.

August the 4th 80
I sent a letter home to my wife by a Taunton man.

August 12th 1780
I sent a letter home by Mr. Morris of Plymouth.

August 13th, 14th, 15th, 16th, and 17th
Hot and thunder. Nothing remarkable as yet turned up as we hear of.

August 18th and 19th
Nothing new or remarkable. A cold night and pleasant after a hot spell.

Sabbath Day August 20th
A cold morning.

August 13th Sabbath
Clear and warm. This morning there was some firing of cannon at the ferry from the enemies row galley.

August 14th
A hot day. No news. We continue at Taunton.

Ditto 15th
A hot day and no news this morning.

August 16th, 17th, 18th, and 19th
Nothing new or remarkable.

August 20th 1780
I set out from Oringetown for West Point and arrived there the 21st and set out from West Point for the army the 23rd and overtook the 25th which had marched to the liberty poll about 9 miles from where I left them which is about 7 or 8 miles of New York on the Jersey side. Our people sent out a foraging party to clear all before them, which they did although the enemy fired on them and chased them, yet they came off clear with their forage unhurt to camp. It is a sharp drought here at present but has been a fine season heretofore and it is a fine country here as ever I saw in all my travels.

Sept. 3rd
I sent a letter to my wife by Toby a Negro man belonging to Rainham etc.

Sept. 12th 1780
I sent 3 letters to Middleborough by Mr. Leach 1 to my wife 1 to Ichabod Morten and 1 to Mrs. Beckey Scolley.

Sept. 13th
I sent 2 letters to Middleborough by Captain Hinds 1 to my wife 1 to brother gar. [?] Foster.

Oct. 29th 1780
At toteway. I sent a letter to my wife by Mr. Bisbey of Plymton.

[1781 Content]

Which marched in with a fine band of music enough to animate the lowest spirits of the camp.

Sabbath Day July 29th 81
A rainy morning. This day we had preaching in three brigades but as soon as I got ready to go to meeting I was prevented by a number of general orders which were to be completed with all possible speed which tied me to my duty with pen and ink.
No news this 29th 81. All well.

July 30th Monday
Sent 1 letter to brother Walterman and 1 to brother Holmes both at situate by Mr. Woodward.

Received a letter from my wife by Lieutenant Weston dated 11 July 81.

August the 1st
Pleasant weather. All well.

The second
Sergeant Raymont was killed by our scouting party by mistake as the scout took him to be the enemy.

[1782 Content]

April 2nd 1782
I set out for West Point and arrived to brother Bishops and was tired out.

1st day to rehoboth Bishops

2nd day to Fisks in Johnston

3rd to Parks in cantebery

4th to Parkins in Andover

5th to Semors in Hartford

6th to Bolwens in Tiverton

7th to Draques in Oblong

8th to Fishkills

9th to West Point

I had good weather most of the time except 2 rainy mornings.

Headquarters Newburgh

August 7th 1782 honnery badges of distinction are to be confered on the viteran non commessioned offecers and soldiers of the army who have sarvd more than three years with bravery fidellity and good conduct; for this purpus a nerrow peace of white cloth of anguelar form is to be fixed on the left arme of the uneforme coat, non comessioned officers and soldiers who have sarved with reputation more than six years are to be distingused with two peaces of cloath set in an angueler form parel to each other in simmeler forme

should aney who are not intitled to those honnery badges have the insolinc to assume them; they shall be sevearly punished

on the other hand it is expected those gallant men who are distingushed will on all cases be [treated with particular care and consideration.]

Headquarters August 11th 1782
in order to prevent missapprehentions of the honnery badges of distinction to be confered on the non commissioned officers and soldiers in con sequenc of a long and faithfull service through any misstake or missapprehention of the orders of the 7th instant the genll. thinks proper to inform the army that the only attainable by an interrupted seres and honnorable service, a solder that has one retired from the field of glory forfets all pretention and proceadenc of former service and the man who has desarvedly meet with an ignomenous punishment for degradation; cannot be admeted as a candidate for honnerrey distinction unless he should a wiped away the stain his reputation has suffered by some very brillent alchivament or by some sarvice with reputation after his disgrace; the number of of years which intitls other mens indulgence. the badges which non commissioned offecers and soldiers are intitled to were on the left arme as a mark of long and faithfull sarvice are to be of the same culler of the facings of the corps they belong to and not white in ever instanc as directed in the order of the 7th of july and not white in every instanc as directed in the order of the in orders of the 7th 1782

a true copey of genll. orders

Return to In Their Own Words