Bibliography: Crown Forces in America
1775 - 1784
- Burke and Bass (1976)
- Burke, William W., and Bass, Linnea. "Preparing a British Unit for Service in America - The Brigade of Foot Guards, 1776." The Military Collector & Historian, v. 28 (1976). Available online.
- Cook and Chichester (1900)
- Cook and Chichester. Records and Badges of the British Army. 2d Edition, 1900.
- Ford (1897)
- Ford, Worthington Chauncy. British Officers Serving in the American Revolution 1774-1783. Brooklyn, NY: Historocal Printing Club, 1897.
- Katcher (1973)
- Katcher, Philip R.N. Encyclopedia of British, Provincial, and German Army Units, 1775-1783. Harrisburg, PA: Stackpole Books, 1973.
Compiled by John K. Robertson, Don Hagist, Todd Braisted, and Don Londahl-Smidt ©2000, 2001