References: 1780 Battles and Skirmishes
© 2000 -2002, 2010 - John K. Robertson
Many of the references below were compiled by the U.S. Army Center for Military History, and are part of a much more comprehensive bibliography of the American Revolution which is available online.
- Abbatt
- Abbatt, Wiliam. The Attack on Young's House (or Four Corners) Februray 3, 1780; An Episode of the Neutral Ground. Tarrytown, NY: W. Abbatt, 1926.
- Ashe
- Ashe, S.A. "The Battle of Shallow Ford." Tyler's Quarterly Historical and Genealogical Magazine , 9 (July 1927), pp. 48-51.
- Bass
- Bass, Robert D. Gamecock: The Life and Campaigns of Thomas Sumter. New York: Holt, Rhinehart, and Winston, 1961.
- Beer
- Beer, William. "The Capture of Fort Charlotte, Mobile." Publications of the Louisiana Historical Society, 1 (1896), pp. 31-34.
- Beer
- Beer, William, ed. "The Surrender of Fort Charlotte, Mobile." American Historical Review, 1 (July 1896), pp. 696-699.
- Boatner
- Boatner, Mark M, III. Encyclopedia of the American Revolution. Mechanicsburg, PA: Stackpole Books, 1994.
- Camden
- Emmett
- Emmett, Thomas Addis, ed. "The Southern Campaign 1780. Letters of Major General Gates from 21st June to 31st August." Magazine of American History, 5 (October 1880), pp. 281-310.
- Emmett
- Emmett, Thomas Addis, ed. "Orders Issued by Major Genl. Gates while Commanding the Southern Army, July 26th to August 31st 1780." Magazine of American History, 5 (October 1880), pp. 310-320.
- Nelson
- Nelson, Paul David. "Horatio Gates in the Southern Department, 1780: Serious Errors and a Costly Defeat." North Carolina Historical Review, 50(July 1973), pp. 256-272.
- Stevens
- Stevens, John Austin. "The Southern Campaign 1780: Gates at Camden." Magazine of American History, 5 (October 1880), pp. 241-281, 425-426.
- Coker & Coker
- Coker, William S., and Hazel P. Coker. The Siege of Mobile, 1780, in Maps: With Data on Troop Strength, Military Units, Ships, Casualties, and Prisoners of War including a Brief History of Fort Charlotte (Conde). Pensacola, FL: Perdido Bay, 1982.
- Dawson
- Dawson, Henry B., ed. "The Battle fo Springfield, N.J." Historical Magazine, 2d Ser., 8 (July 1870), pp. 55-56.
- Desmarais
- Desmarais, Norman. The Guide to the American Revolutionary War In Canada and New England: Battles, Raids, and Skirmishes. Ithaca, NY: Busca, Inc. 2009.
- Fleming 1
- Fleming, Thomas. The Forgotten Victory: The Battle of New Jersey--1780. New York: E.P. Dutton & Co., 1973.
- Fleming 2
- Fleming, Thomas. The Battle of Springfield. Trenton, NJ: New Jersey Historical Commision, 1975.
- Gordon
- Gordon, Cosmo, defendant. The Trial of the Honorable Colonel Cosmo Gordon of the 3rd regiment of the Foot Guards for Neglect of Duty before the Enemy on the 23rd of June, 1780, near Springfield in the Jerseys. London: G. Harlow, 1783.
- Hadaway
- Hadaway, William S. "Young's Four Corners." Westchester County Historical Society Bulletin, 10 (October 1934), pp. 71-82.
- King's Mountain
- Alderman
- Alderman, Pat. The Overmountain Men. Overmountain Press, 1986.
- de Peyster
- de Peyster, J. Watts. "King's Mountain: The Oriskany of the South." Historical Magazizne, 2d Ser., 5 (March 1869), pp. 189-197.
- de Peyster
- de Peyster, J. Watts. "The Affair at King's Mountain 7th October 1780." Magazine of American History, 5 (December 1880), pp. 401-424.
- Dykeman
- Dykeman, Wilma. The Battle of Kings Mountain 1780: With Fire and Sword
- Draper
- Draper, Lyman C. King's Mountain and Its Heroes: History of the Battle of King's Mountain October 7th, 1780, and the Events Which Led to It. Cincinnati, OH: Peter G. Thomson, 1881. Reprint, Overmountain Press.
- Moss
- Moss, Bobby Gilmer. The Loyalists at Kings Mountain. Scotia-Hibernia Press, 1998.
- Moss
- Moss, Bobby Gilmer. The Patriots at Kings Mountain. Scotia-Hibernia Press, 1990.
- Shelby
- Shelby, Isaac. "The Battle of King's Mountain October 7, 1780." Edited by J. Warren Dey. Magazine of American History, 5 (November 1880), pp. 351-369.
- White
- White, Katharine Keogh The King's MountainMen, the Story of the Battle, with Sketches of the American Soldiers Who Took Part. Dayton, VA: Joseph K. Ruebush Co., 1924.
- Lafferty
- Lafferty, Maude Ward. "Destruction of Ruddle's and Martin's Fort's in the Revolutionary War." Register of the Kentucky Historical Society, 54 (October 1956), pp. 297-338.
- Lee
- Lee, Henry, Jr. Memoirs of the War in the Southern Department of the United States. Edited by Robert E. Lee. New York: University Publishing Co., 1869.
- Lobdell 1
- Lobdell, Jared C. "Hopperstown, April 16, 1780: A Note." New Jersey History, 88 (Spring 1970), pp. 43-48.
- Lobdell 2
- Lobdell, Jared C., ed. "Action at Hopperstown, April 15, 1780." Proceedings of the New Jersey Historical Society, 80 (October 1962), pp. 261-266.
- Maxwell
- Maxwell, William. "The Battle of Springfield." Historical Magazine, 3 (July 1858), p. 211.
- McCrady
- McCrady, Edward. The History of South Carolina in the Revolution. 2 vols. New York: Macmillan Co., 1902.
- McDermott
- McDermott, John F. "The Battle of St. Louis, 25 May 1780." Missouri Historical Society Bulletin, 36 (April 1980), pp. 131-151.
- Munn
- Munn, David C. Battles and Skirmishes of the American Revolution in New Jersey. Trenton: Bureau of Geology and Topography, Department of Environmental Protection, 1976. Downloadable version.
- Occupation of Charleston
- McCowen
- McCowen, George Smith, Jr. The British Occupation of Charleston, 1780-82. Columbia, SC: University of South Carolina Press, 1981.
- Stoesen
- Stoesen, Alexander R. "The British Occupation of Charleston, 1780-1782." South Carolina Historical Magazine, 63 (April 1962), pp. 71-82.
- O'Kelley
- O'Kelley, Patrick. Nothing but Blood and Slaughter: The Revolutionary War in the Carolinas Volume 2, 1780. LaVergne, TN:, Inc., 2004.
- Penn Archives
- Pennsylvania Archives, 1st Series, vol 8, pp. 560-565.
- Robertson
- Robertson, Heard. "The Second British Occupation of Augusta, 1780-1781." Georgia Historical Quarterly, 58(Winter 1974), pp. 442-446.
- Rockwell
- Rockwell, E.F. "The Battle of Ramsour's Mill." Historical Magazine, 2d Ser., 2 (July 1867), pp. 24-27.
- Salley
- Salley, A.S., Jr. "The Battle of Stono." South Carolina Historical and Genealogical Magazine, 5 (April 1904), pp. 90-94.
- Selby
- Selby, John E. The Revolution in Virginia, 1775-1783. Charlottesville: University Press of Virginia, 1988.
- Siege of Charleston
- Baldwin
- Baldwin, Samuel. "Diary of Events in Charleston, S.C., from March 20th to April 20th, 1780." Proceedings of the New Jersey Historical Society, 2 (May 1847), pp. 77-86.
- Clinton
- Clinton, Henry. "Sir Henry Clinton's 'Journal of the siege of Charleston, 1780.'" Edited by William T. Bulger, Jr. South Carolina Historical Magazine, 66 (July 1965), pp. 147-174.
- Hough
- Hough, Franklin B., ed. The Siege of Charleston by the British Fleet and Army under the Command of Admiral Arbuthnot and Sir Henry Clinton which Terminated with the Surrender of that Place on the 12th of May, 1780. Albany, NY: J. Munsell, 1867.
- Kyte
- Kyte, George W. "The British Invasion of South Carolina in 1780." Historian, 14 (Spring 1952), pp. 149-172.
- Magallon de la Mortlière
- Magallon de la Mortlière, Louise-Antoine. "A French Account of the Ssiege of Charleston, 1780." Translated by Richard K. Murdoch. South Carolina Historical Magazine, 67 (July 1966), pp. 138-154.
- Murdoch
- Murdoch, Richard K. "A Note on 'A French Account of the Siege of Charleston, 1780'". South Carolina Historical Magazine, 69 (January 1968), pp. 57-58.
- Paltsits
- [Palitis, Victor H., ed.] "The Siege of Charleston. 1780." Year Book, City of Charleston for 1897, pp. 341-425.
- Wilson
- Wilson, John. "Lieutenant John Wilson's 'Journal of the Siege of Charleston.'" Edited by Joseph Ioor Waring.
, 66 (July 1965), pp. 175-182.
- State Records
- Clark, et al.,editors. The State Records of North Carolina. 16 vols. Winston and Goldsboro: Various publishers, 1895-1907.
- Tarleton
- Tarleton, Banstre. A History of the Campaigns of 1780 and 1781, in the Southern Provinces of North America. London: T.Cadell, 1787.
- Thomas
- Thomas, Frederick, defendant. The Trial of Lt. Colonel Thomas of the 1st Regiment of Foot Guards on a Charge Exhibited by Lt. Colonel Cosmo Gordon for Aspersing His Character by Acusing Him of Neglect of duty before the Enemy, as Commanding Officer of the First Battalion of Guards, on the 23rd of June, 1780, near Springfield in the Jerseys. London: J. Ridley, 1781.
- Ward
- Ward, Christopher. The War of the Revolution. Edited by John R. Alden. 2 vols. New York: Macmillan, 1952.
- Winfield
- Winfield, Charles H. "The Affair at Block-House Point, 1780." Magazine of American History, 5 (september 1880), pp. 161-186.