References: 1779 Battles and Skirmishes
© 2000 - 2002, 2010 - John K. Robertson
Many of the references below were compiled by the U.S. Army Center for Military History, and are part of a much more comprehensive bibliography of the American Revolution which is available online.
- Ashmore & Olmstead
- Ashmore, Otis, and C.H. Olmstead. "The Battles of Kettle Creek and Briar Creek." Georgia Historical Quarterly, 10 (June 1926), pp. 85-125.
- Boatner
- Boatner, Mark M, III. Encyclopedia of the American Revolution. Mechanicsburg, PA: Stackpole Books, 1994.
- Brodhead Expedition
- Appel
- Appel, John C. "Colonel Daniel Brodhead and the Lure of Detroit." Pennsylvania History, 38 (July 1971), pp. 265-282.
- Brady
- Brady, William Y. "Brodhead's Trail up the Allegheny, 1779." Western Pennsylvania Historical Magazine, 37 (March 1954), pp. 19-31.
- Edson
- Edson, Obed. "Brodhead's Expedition Against the Indians of the Upper Allegheny 1779." Magazine of American History, 3 (November 1879), pp. 649-675.
- Russell
- Russell, E.L. "The Lost Story of the Brodhead Expedition." Quarterly Journal of the New York State Historical Association, 11 (July 1930), pp. 252-263.
- Stone
- Stone, Rufus B. "Brodhead's Raid on the Senacas: The Story of a Little Known Expedition in 1779 from Fort Pitt to Destroy the Indian Villages on the Upper Allegheny." Western Pennsylvania Historical Magazine, 7 (April 1924), pp. 88-101.
- Cox
- Cox, William E. "Brigadier-General John Ashe's Defeat in the Battle of Brier Creek." Georgia Historical Quarterly, 57 (Summer 1973), pp. 295-302.
- Dart
- Dart, Henry P., ed. "West Florida--The Capture of Baton Rouge by Galvez, September 21, 1779, From Reports of the English Officers." Louisiana Historical Quarterly, 12 (April 1929), pp. 255-265.
- Delavillebeuvre
- Delavillebeuvre, Juan. "Fort Panmure, 1779, as Related by Juan Delavillebeuvre to Bernardo de Galvez." Translated by Anna Lewis. Mississippi Valley Historical Review, 18 (March 1932), pp. 541-548.
- Desmarais
- Desmarais, Norman. The Guide to the American Revolutionary War In Canada and New England: Battles, Raids, and Skirmishes. Ithaca, NY: Busca, Inc. 2009.
- Dornfest
- Dornfest, Walter T. "British, Hessian and Provincial Troops at Paulus Hook, 18th-19th August, 1779." Journal of the Society for Army Historical Research, 45 (Winter 1967), pp. 177-182.
- Fairfield
- Fairfield, Connecticut. Centennial Commemoration of the Burning of Fairfield, Connecticut, by the British Troops under Governor Tryon, July 8th, 1779. New York: A.S.Barnes & Co., 1879.
- Goodrich
- Goodrich, Chauncey. "Invasion of New Haven by the British Troops, July 5, 1779." Papers of the New Haven Colony Historical Society, 2 (1877), pp. 31-92.
- Heidler
- Heidler, David S. "The American Defeat at Briar Creek, 3 March 1779." Georgia Historical Quarterly, 66 (Fall 1982), pp. 317-331.
- Jones
- Jones, Charles C., Jr., ed. "Memorandum on the Route pursued by Colonel Campbell and his column of invasion in 1779, from Savannah to Augusta; with a Narrative of occurences connected with his march, and a record of some of the military events which transpired in that portion of the Province of Georgia during the War of the Revolution." Magazine of American History, 18 (September-October 1887), pp. 256-258, 342-348.
- Meginness
- Meginness, J.F. Otzinachson: A History of the West Branch of the Susquehanna. Baltimore, MD: Gateway Press, 1991 (reprint of 1889 edition).
- Munn
- Munn, David C. Battles and Skirmishes of the American Revolution in New Jersey. Trenton: Bureau of Geology and Topography, Department of Environmental Protection, 1976. Downloadable version.
- Nunis
- Nunis, Doyce B., ed. "Colonel Archibald Campbell's March from Savannah to Augusta, 1779." Georgia Historical Quarterly, 35 (September 1961), pp. 275-286.
- O'Kelley
- O'Kelley, Patrick. Nothing but Blood and Slaughter: The Revolutionary War in the Carolinas Volume 1, 1771-1779. Bangor, ME:, Inc., 2004.
- Penobscot
- Casey
- Casey, John. The Siege of Penobscot by the Rebels, New York: Arno Press, 1971.
- Kevitt
- Kevitt, Charles B., compiler. General Solomon Lovell and the Penobscot Expedition, 1779. Weymouth, MA: Weymouth Historical Commission, 1976.
- Lovell
- Lovell, Solomon. "The Original Journal of General Solomon Lovell, Kept During the Penobscot Expedition, 1779." Weymouth Historical Society Collections, 1 (1881), pp. 95-105.
- Mayhew
- Mayhew, Dean R. "The Bagaduce Blunder: Commodore Saltonstall and the Penobscot Expedition." Mariner's Mirror, 61 (February 1975), pp. 27-30.
- Nielson
- Nielson, Jon M. "Penobscot: From the Jaws of Victory--Our Navy's Worst Defeat." American Neptune, 2 (July 1881), pp. 288-305.
- Scott
- Scott, Kenneth. "New Hampshire's Part in the Penobscot Expedition." American Neptune, 7 (July 1947), pp. 200-212.
- Shaw
- Shaw, Henry I., Jr. "Penobscot Assault--1779." Military Affairs, 17 (Summer 1953), pp. 83-94.
- Symonds
- Symonds, Craig L. "American Naval Expedition to Penobscot, 1779." Naval War College Review, 24 (April 1972), pp. 64-72.
- Wadsworth 1
- Wadsworth, Peleg. "Letter from General Peleg Wadsworth to William D. Williamson." Edited by John H. Fogg. Collections and Proceedings of the Maine Historical Society, 2d Ser., 2(1891), pp. 153-162.
- Wadsworth 2
- Wadsworth, Peleg. "Br[i]g. General Wadsworth's Deposition. Court of Inquiry, Penobscot Expedition." Collections and Proceedings of the Maine Historical Society, 2d Ser., 6(1895), pp. 291-299.
- Williamson 1
- Williamson, Joseph. "The British Occupation of Penobscot During the Revolution." Collections and Proceedings of the Maine Historical Society, 2d Ser., 1(1890), pp. 389-400.
- Williamson 2
- Williamson, Joseph. "The Conduct of Paul Revere in the Penobscot Expedition." Collections and Proceedings of the Maine Historical Society, 2d Ser., 3(1892), pp. 379-392.
- Savannah
- Cole
- Cole, Richard C. "The Siege of Savannah and the British Press, 1779-1780." Georgia Historical Quarterly, 65 (Fall 1981), pp. 189-202.
- Cruger
- Cruger, John Harris. "The Siege of Savannah 1779 As Related by Colonel John Harris Cruger." Edited by Henry C. Van Schaack. Magazine of American History, 2 (August 1878), pp. 489-492.
- Harden
- Harden, William. "Account of the Siege of Savannah, From a British Source." Georgia Historical Society Collections, 5 (Part I, 1901), pp. 129-139.
- Hough
- Hough, Franklin B., ed. The Siege of Savannah by the Combined American and French Forces, Under the Command of Gen. Lincoln and the Count D'Estaing, in the Autumn of 1779. Albany, NY: J. Munsell, 1866.
- Jones
- Jones, Charles C., Jr., ed. The Siege of Savannah, in 1779, As Described in Two Contemporary Journals of French Officers in the Fleet of Count D'Estaing. Albany, NY: Joel Munsell, 1874.
- Lawrence
- Lawrence, Alexander A. Storm over Savannah: The Story of Count d'Estaing and the Siege of the Town in 1779. Athens, GA: University of Georgia Press, 1951.
- Moore
- Moore, Frank, ed. "Siege of Savannah 1779: General Orders of the Count D'Estaing for the Attack by the Allied Forces 8th and 9th October." Magazine of American History, 2 (September 1878), pp. 548-551.
- Prevost
- Prevost, Augustine. "Papers Relating to the Allied Attack on Savannah in 1779." Historical Magazine, 8 (September 1864), pp. 290-297.
- Saint-Marc
- Saint-Marc, Meyronnet de. "Meyronnet de Saint-Marc's Journal of the Operations of the French Army Under D'Estaing at the Siege of Savannah, September, 1779." Edited by Roberta Leighton. New York Historical Society Quarterly, 36 (July 1952), pp. 255-287.
- Scott
- Scott, Kenneth, ed. "Britain Loses Natchez, 1779: An Unpublished Letter." Journals of Mississippi History, 26(February 1964), pp. 45-46.
- Selby
- Selby, John E. The Revolution in Virginia, 1775-1783. Charlottesville, VA: University Press fo Virginia, 1988.
- Sipe 1
- Sipe, C. Hale. The Indian Wars of Pennsylvania: An Account of the Indian Events, in Pennsylvania, of the French and Indian War, Pontaic's War, Lord Dunmore's War, The Revolutionary War and the Indian Uprising from 1779-1785. Lewisburg, PA: Wennawoods Publishing, 1995 (reprint of the 1931 edition).
- Sipe 2
- Sipe, C. Hale. The Indian Chiefs of Pennsylvania or a Story of the Part Played by American Indians in the History of Pennsylvania, Based Primarily on the Pennsylvania Archives and Colonial Records, and Built Around the Outstanding Chiefs. Lewisburg, PA: Wennawoods Publishing, 1994 (reprint of the 1927 edition).
- Skelly
- Skelly, F. "Demonstration Against Charleston, South Carolina, in 1779: Journal of Brigade Major F. Skelly." Edited by Charles C. Jones, Jr. Magazine of American History, 26 (August, November 1891), pp. 152-154, 392-393.
- Smith
- Smith, Samuel S. Winter at Morristown, 1779-1780: The Darkest Hour. Monmouth Beach, NJ: Philip Freneau Press, 1979.
- Stony Point
- Clarke
- Clarke, Samuel C., ed. "Capture of Stony Point, July 1779 by Major William Hull." Magazine of American History, 28 (September 1892), pp. 182-185.
- Johnston
- Johnston, Henry P. The Storming of Stony Point on the Hudson, Midnight, July 15, 1779: Its Importance in the Light of Unpublished Documents. New York: James T. White, 1900.
- Kiefer
- Kiefer, W.R., ed. Stony Point Illustrated. New York: Z.R. Bennett, 1888.
- Koke
- Koke, Richard J. "The British Who Fought at Stony Point: Uniforms of the American Revolution." New-York Historical Society Quarterly, 44 (October 1960), pp. 443-471.
- Pennypacker
- Pennypacker, Samuel W. "The Capture of Stony Point." Pennsylvania Magazine of History and Biography, 26 (1902), pp. 360-369.
- Sklarsky
- Sklarsky, I.W. The Revolution's Boldest Venture: The Story of 'Mad Anthony' Wayne's Assault on Stony Point. Port Washington, NY: Kennikat Press, 1965.
- Sullivan-Clinton Expedition
- Amory 1
- Amory, Thomas C. "Sullivan's Expedition Against the Six Nations 1779." Magazine of American History, 4 (January 1880), pp. 420-426.
- Amory 2
- Amory, Thomas C. "The Expedition under General Sullivan in 1779." Proceedings of the Massachusetts Historical Society, 20(January 1883), pp. 88-94.
- Bleeker
- Bleeker, Leonard. The Order Book of Capt. Leonard Bleeker, Major of Brigade in the Early Part of the Expedition under General James Clinton, Against the Indian Settlements of Western New York, in the Campaign of 1779. New York: Joseph Sabin, 1865.
- Clement
- Clement, Charles M. "Fort Augusta and its part in the Sullivan Expedition," Nothumberland County Historical Society Proceeedings, 5(1933), pp. 56-70.
- Cook
- Cook, Frederick, ed. Journals of the Military Expedition of Major General John Sullivan Against the Six Nations of Indians in 1779 with Records of Centennial Celebrations. Auburn, NY: Knapp, Peck & Thomson, 1887.
- Flick 1
- Flick, Alexander C. "The Sullivan-Clinton Campaign in 1779." Proceedings of the New Jersey Historical Society, New Ser., 15 (January 1930), 64-72.
- Flick 2
- Flick, Alexander C., ed. "New Sources on the Sullivan-Clinton Campaign in 1779." Quarterly Journal of the New York State Historical Society, 10 (July, October 1929), pp. 185-224, 265-317.
- Folts
- Folts, James D., Jr. "The Sullivan Campaign: A Bibliography." University of Rochester Bulletin, 32 (Winter 1979), pp. 51-71.
- Grant
- Grant, Thomas. "Gen. Sullivan's Expedition to the Genessee Country, 1779: A Journal of General Sullivan's Army after they left Wyoming." Historical Magazine, 6 (August-September 1862), pp. 233-237, 272-276.
- Griffis
- Griffis, William Elliott. "Sullivan's Great March Into the Indian Country." Magazine of History, 2 (1905), pp. 295-310, 365-378; 3 (1906), pp. 1-10.
- Hubley
- Hubley, Adam, Jr. "Adam Hubley, Jr., Lt. Col. Comdt. 11th Penna. Regt., His Journal, Commencing at Wyoming, July 30th, 1779." Edited by John W. Jordan. Pennsylvania Magazine of History and Biography, 33 (1909), pp. 129-146, 279-302, 409-422. A version of this journal is available online.
- McAdams
- McAdams, Donald R. "The Sullivan Expedition: Success or Failure?" New-York Historical Society Quarterly, 54 (January 1970), pp. 53-81.
- Murray
- Murray, Louise M., ed. Order Book of Fort Sullivan and Extracts from Journals of Soldiers in Gen. Sullivan's Army Relating to Fort Sullivan at Tioga Point, Pennsylvania, 1779. Tioga Point, PA: Daughters of the American Revolution, Tioga Chapter, 1903.
- NY Archives
- New York Division of Archives and History. The Sullivan-Clinton Campaign in 1779. Chronology and Selected Documents. Albany, NY: University of the State of New York, 1929.
- Norton
- Norton, A. T. History of Sullivan's Campaign Against the Iroquois. Lima, NY: Privately printed.
- Rogers
- Rogers, William. The Journals of a Brigade Chaplain in the Campaign of 1779 against the Six Nations, under the Command of Major General John Sullivan. Providence, RI: S.S. Rider, 1879.
- Stryker
- Stryker, William S. General Maxwell's Brigade of New Jersey Continental Line in the Expedition Against the Indians, in the Year 1779. Trenton, NJ: W.S. Sharp Printing Co., 1885.
- Swartz
- Swartz, Roger G. Fields of Honor, The Battle of Fort Freeland, July 28, 1779. Turbotville, PA: Warrior Run - Fort Freeland Heritage Society, 1996.
- Townshend
- Townshend, Charles H. The British Invasion of New Haven, Connecticut, Together with Some Account of Their Landing and Burning of the Towns of Fairfield and Norwalk, July 1779. New London, CT: Privately printed, 1879.