| - Index of Continental Army Enlisted Men's Diaries
| - Diary Transcriptions:
| "Thro Mud & Mire Into The Woods"
The Diary of Sergeant John Smith, 1st Rhode Island Regiment:
July 18, 1777 - January 9, 1778
| A Special Guest Transcription by Liz Tait:
"In High Spirits and Full of Fight
The Diary of Chaplain Andrew Hunter, New Jersey Brigade
July 22 - November 24, 1776 & June 18 - October 1, 1779
| - Correspondence Transcriptions:
| "They Behaved Like Soldiers Who Fought From
Principle Alone" The Battle of Harlem Heights
Captain John Chilton, 3d Virginia Regiment
|  |
| "Our Troops Went On In A Trott" The Battle Of
Brandywine Brigadier General George Weedon